Example sentences of "[noun sg] can [be] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Because urinating tends to wash out the urethra , and because the urethra can be such a rich source of diagnostic material , the doctors will always prefer a male patient to have held his urine , if possible , for three hours or more before attending for tests .
2 A sample rate of at least 8kHz is needed and the microprocessor can be any 8-bit variety with simple software .
3 The result can be that line endings may not match or letter and word spacing are different .
4 Waiting lists for marriage guidance can be many months long so the client comes to the CAB instead ; independent debt counsellors are rare outside the CAB ; unemployment causes stress that is not within the remit of the Job Centre , so the client comes to the CAB ; few of these problems have easy or immediate solutions .
5 Your herb wheel can be any size , and as part of a lawn or a paved area .
6 Even then a shoal can be many hundreds strong .
7 Symbolism can be another complicating factor because art operates on many levels of understanding .
8 Your attitude can be that of a winner or a loser .
9 A kilogram or two of surgical plaster or plaster-of-Paris depending on the size of the housing ( you can buy powdered plaster at a chemist 's shop ) ; a dish to act as a mould for casting the plaster block-the dish can be any size from 10 cm × 20 cm up to about 20 cm × 20 cm , but should have a flat bottom and sides that slope slightly outward ; a sheet of glass to cover the housing ; a sheet of black cardboard ; Plasticine ; small blocks of wood or small plastic boxes ( the round boxes used for typewriter ribbons are very suitable ) ; cotton-wool .
10 ‘ The short term benefit of certainty in household budgeting can be more than offset by a nasty shock when the rate is revised , ’ said the Abbey , which adds that its research reveals no demand for budget schemes .
11 Well what I can find are eight days , where for two hours , my primary focus can be these labels , producing the labels .
12 You may be less complacent when I tell you that the friction of pulling just one wet and grit-encrusted rope through an abseil anchor can be enough to weaken thin tape to the point of sudden fracture when the next load is applied .
13 The client who receives the product can be any external source buying the software , or an in-house party .
14 The client who receives the product can be any external source buying the software , or an in-house party .
15 In contrast , socialisation can be much more general .
16 This fatalistic ageism can be another reason for failing to discuss the problems and difficulties of caring for ageing relatives as they arise — there is no point , for there is no possibility of change taking place .
17 ( 1.1 ) ] and therefore in these motors the rotor can be several steps from the demanded position without losing synchronism .
18 When the rosy spectacles are laid aside , it is clear that what to the husband and children can be a refreshing hobby — after all they are more often than not the consumers , not the producers , of the home-made jam — to the wife can be another variant of the natural mother image and in everyday terms can mean longer than ever hours at the chopping board .
19 According to my dictionary , a tree can be any perennial plant having a self-supporting woody main stem .
20 The triggering disturbance can be another turbulent region .
21 Even something from the day 's newspaper can be all that is needed as an effective starting-point , just as the latest or the most interesting work done in other subject areas of the curriculum may be used .
22 If quality is to be controlled in a tight and limited way , the price can be that of narrowness and aridity .
23 Sex object can be another word for soul object .
24 Presupposition can be any knowledge that enables us " to understand what is said properly and fully " ( p. 84 ) .
25 That 's really good support , because writing can be such a lonely profession .
26 The length of the board should be greater than 3.60m unless the user is a slight lady or a child , in which case the length and volume can be less than the figures quoted above .
27 An old woman can be more expert in the love of God — and less worldly too — than your theologian with his useless studying .
28 Word processing can be such a liberation from what most young people would call the drudgery of pen and paper that it is as bad to ban it as to ban calculators .
29 May we try by our own example to show that a world of peace and compassion can be more than just a hopeful dream .
30 Discover that fishkeeping can be more than just owning a goldfish — how about a pet foot eel , or a mysterious seahorse ?
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