Example sentences of "[noun sg] which is so " in BNC.

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1 This gives an impression of speed which is so important in this interpretation of Czerny 's finger exercises for the piano , and is quite alien to the soft rise and fall of the Sylphides ' jetés danced to Chopin 's romantic music in a woodland glade .
2 You simply hacked off a sizeable lump , and with this big piece , rasped off the skin of the lemon , thus releasing the essential oil of the zest which is so important to the flavour of creams , ices , and particularly of that uniquely English speciality , lemon curd .
3 Thus a car which is so seriously damaged that its chassis is distorted could no longer be accurately described as new , even after being repaired , whereas if only the engine were damaged the car could be restored to newness by a new engine being installed .
4 Rather we must deliberately foster the grasshopper mind which is so scathingly crushed by the schoolmasters .
5 ‘ It 's the severing of the head and placing it in the font which is so brutal , is n't it ?
6 Because what the Sale of Goods Act goes on to say is that if the goods contain a fault which is so obvious you should have noticed the fault while you were in the shop , or the shop assistant pointed out the fault to you while you were in the shop , then I do n't think you can really demand money back on that basis .
7 chapter which is so lovely when
8 With regard to particular crimes , the survey perhaps offered some reassurance to those accustomed to the image of a massive upsurge in crime which is so regularly portrayed by the media .
9 A remarkable illustration of the explanatory convenience of egoism is the concept of the ‘ selfish gene ’ , through which the rational egoism which is so difficult to find in the hopelessly illogical world of men is finally tracked down in our ultimate genetic constituents .
10 But in spite of returning to old forms , composers wished their music to have that feeling of nervous stress and tension which is so typical of modern art in general .
11 Whatever view he decides to take , he will in effect be indicating in a clear and unequivocal way the weight that should be attached to the objective of long term landscape protection which is so central to the purposes of National Park designation .
12 The bonus with St Francis is in helping pupils to appreciate a depth in what it means to be a Christian which is so easily today seen at a superficial externalist level .
13 By this we mean a change which is so wide-reaching and so fundamental in its effects as to constitute a dramatic alteration of the status quo .
14 We may say , in fact , that the onomatopoeic effect is here overdone , resulting in a sentence which is so cluttered with consonants , that it is difficult to say aloud .
15 It is the first sentence which is so hard to compose .
16 Harris perceived that the I-Thou relationship is represented perfectly adequately by By frequently limiting his scope to I and Thou Shakespeare is creating an interpersonal field which is so restricted that thoughts , ideas , feelings move back and forth between sender and receiver without the need for any other delimitation or definition .
17 May we have a debate on junk mail as soon as possible , to discuss a mailshot sent to many of my constituents by an organisation that is partly funded by Maxwell money which is so full of falsehoods that it would make the average time-share salesman blush ; which redefines the term ’ junk mail ’ and peddles dodgy , old-fashioned and out-of-date remedies which have been banned in most countries and which have passed their sell-by date ; and which bears the signature of an obscure Welsh politician , best known for losing his rag with Zimbabwean soldiers and for nutting people in public lavatories ?
18 " It applies to a decision which is so outrageous in its defiance of logic or of accepted moral standards that no sensible person who had applied his mind to the question to be decided could have arrived at it . " "
19 By dropping the novel and other kinds of drama , more time would be provided for the extensive reading of poetry which is so essential if one is to make sense of any one poem .
20 Plomer 's words for this formal masque are nicely dry and traditional : there is none of that damply effulgent poetry which is so damaging in Ronald Duncan 's verse for The Rape of Lucretia .
21 Tonight we visit a village which is so proud of it 's gardens , it 's opening them up for the public to enjoy .
22 I give this portion of my estate as a thank-offering in the firm conviction that never again shall we have such a chance of giving our country that form of help which is so vital at the present time .
23 It is usually something trivial , a little human error which is so forgivable in all the excitement of the occasion , which settles it . ’
24 A special case where the promise — and , indeed , the price — usually does appear in the headline is in direct response advertising of the ‘ offer ’ type which is so prevalent in the Sunday colour supplements .
25 The ‘ statue ’ metaphor which is so chilling in ‘ The Missing ’ ; the balance of the mental conflicts in ‘ In Time of Plague ’ which never sways to either side and leaves the question unanswered : the twist in the tale of ‘ The Reassurance ’ with its bitter irony .
26 Now the place has an aura which is so enticing and unexpected in this quiet rural area that few people can pass by without stopping to go inside and become a part of the idyllic scene .
27 It is good to see Moorcock 's work finally being given the attention which is so often lavished on lesser writers .
28 Cameras and notebooks eliminate the need for a Mastermind memory and confer the vital ingredient of confidence which is so necessary for a concerted attempt at big fish .
29 It is another pointer to that ambiguity which is so much a characteristic of his life and work , in which the essential orderliness and formal morality of his upbringing clash with his more libertarian — and sometimes libertine — impulses and imagination .
30 This view stems , in part , from the difficulty in perceiving in an unfamiliar society that degree of micro-differentiation which is so important in appreciating the subtleties of consumption patterns in one 's own society .
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