Example sentences of "[noun sg] leave it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you need to bring an umbrella , a street guide or anything other than a briefcase or handbag leave it in the reception area during the interview .
2 ‘ If the Goverment leaves it to market forces , then the expensive things disappear .
3 In 1973 the Ladies ' Committee concerned itself with this seat reporting ‘ It was a pity to leave it in the wet even if only there for the time being ’ .
4 The triumph of the Ulster Workers ' Council left it with huge prestige during the remainder of the summer .
5 Manners , defending his actions , said that the Select Committee left it to the executive Government to select the style and the architects , and he had only acted accordingly .
6 if it 's here it 's not much point leaving it for once a year .
7 Rain left it to Cobalt to help but Cobalt did not .
8 In the early thirteenth century the canons and the laity left it for new Salisbury on the plain , by the river ; and Old Sarum survived only as a castle and a rotten borough .
9 He asked permission to leave it for her the following day .
10 ‘ all had been agreed between the husband and the manager on the Friday , and … the manager left it to the husband to persuade the wife to come to the bank on the Monday to execute the charge and sign the guarantee .
11 My father left it to me .
12 Park Court , which houses Hilda 's flat , was at one time an outhouse for a local manor , but in 1931 the owner left it to the local council who then converted it into a fire station .
13 The Inspector left it at that and as I was waiting expectantly for the interview to end , he said : ‘ Why does an educated man like you spend his time caddying ?
14 So the ministers in charge of the measure felt they could not bring in a guillotine or send the bill to a committee upstairs because most of the Conservatives would have voted against and , not being an issue of confidence between the parties , sufficient Labour dissidents might also have voted against the government to leave it in a minority .
15 Dan had n't had the sense to leave it in the shade .
16 However , the Government leave it to the financial operations of others , and meanwhile the economy is run on the basis that one might be able to regulate but not to promote .
17 Having publicly committed themselves to extending legislation to protect residents in small private residential care homes , the Government left it to a Back-Bench Member to bring in a Bill , and they have done the same thing again .
18 There is still a skid mark from one end of the runway to where the ‘ Fury left it at the other end .
19 There 's too much to be done in the garden to leave it for a week or more .
20 The new generation grew up on TV ( literally in Howard 's case — before Richie Cunningham he played a kid on the Fifties TV show Leave It To Beaver ) .
21 The circumstances might well be described as ‘ the bank leaving it to the husband to obtain the presence of the wife at the bank for the purposes of signing the documents . ’
22 Mr. Buckhaven 's primary submission , however , was that , since the bank left it to Mr. O'Brien to persuade Mrs. O'Brien to agree to sign the legal charge , the bank is , on authority , affected by the improprieties committed by Mr. O'Brien in his efforts of persuasion .
23 No doubt the bank left it to Mr. O'Brien to procure his wife to agree to enter into the security transaction .
24 In the case of two of the charges , the court held that , Mrs. Aboody having come to the bank herself to execute the charges , it could not be said that the bank left it to the husband to obtain the wife 's signature .
25 The path then continues straight , towards the pass and here a less distinct path leaves it to the right .
26 But Mr. de Lacy submits that both it and the previous cases which it applied are clearly distinguishable from the instant case because they all rested upon the critical circumstances that the lender or creditor in each case left it to the principal debtor to obtain , in such a way as he thought fit , the execution of the document .
27 Its former owner , the late Audrey Barrie-Brown left it to the Roman Research Trust and asked that it be turned into an educational centre .
28 Subsequent withdrawals from the eight-member collective Presidency left it with only four members participating , and thus effectively inquorate , a development which most observers saw as being Milosevic 's deliberate intention .
29 With open questions the researcher leaves it to the respondents as to how they word their answers .
30 If , in these cases , the creditor leaves it to the debtor to procure the third party to provide the security , it is , in my opinion , almost inconceivable that the approach referred to by Dixon J. would be adopted so as to enable the surety to repudiate liability .
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