Example sentences of "[noun sg] leave [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you need to bring an umbrella , a street guide or anything other than a briefcase or handbag leave it in the reception area during the interview .
2 The college 's principal , Professor Norman Gower , said he was sad that it had to sell but added : ‘ The cost of preserving Thomas Holloway 's main benefaction left us with no alternative .
3 CD 's experiences as a reporter of Parliamentary debates for The Morning Chronicle left him with a profound contempt for the quality of the majority of MPs ( early reflected in such satirical sketches as Cornelius Dingwall in SB 47 , and Mr Gregsbury in NN 16 ) , and for the standard of debate and general conduct in the House of Commons ; in AN 8 , for example , he observes that ‘ farm-yard imitations ’ have not as yet been imported into the American Congress from the UK Parliament , and he satirizes Parliamentary oratory and manœuvres in LD i 34 .
4 Daughter Helen , 25 , needed constant attention after whooping cough left her with a mental age of just two .
5 My first girlfriend left me for a new man .
6 ‘ If the Goverment leaves it to market forces , then the expensive things disappear .
7 The barge carrying the body springs a leak , his ceremonial uniform is soaked as he frantically bales , he worries about the expensive watch which he has inadvertently left on the coffin , the ceremony leaves him with a bad cold which he tries , not altogether successfully , to hide when he is presented to the King .
8 In 1973 the Ladies ' Committee concerned itself with this seat reporting ‘ It was a pity to leave it in the wet even if only there for the time being ’ .
9 TV STAR Leslie Crowther went home for Christmas dinner yesterday two months after a road crash left him in a coma .
10 The triumph of the Ulster Workers ' Council left it with huge prestige during the remainder of the summer .
11 His observation of the way in which after 1942 Churchill took on the role of Roosevelt 's faithful second left him with long-lasting suspicions of Britain 's priorities .
12 This act left him with an interest in the company that was for most practical purposes worthless since the previous practice among the three member-directors had been to take the money out of the firm in the form of directors ' fees rather than shareholders ' dividends .
13 Once a lady aid a daughter , remote cousins or friends of friends , came , and the girl left me with a yearning heart for some days and a curiosity for years like my curiosity about the lost childish books .
14 ‘ The old girl left us in the dark , ’ said Iris with a jerk of her head towards the empty desk .
15 In the end , however , the Ukrainian decision to vote for full independence left him with little alternative but to withdraw from the USSR and in effect bring about its demise ( see pp. 179–85 ) .
16 Manners , defending his actions , said that the Select Committee left it to the executive Government to select the style and the architects , and he had only acted accordingly .
17 I also visited the scene of the crime at Ayr , and had several lunches and dinners with the diminutive , widowed but friendly Mr Ross ; while an interview with the horrible Waddell in a Glasgow pub left me in no doubt that he was his attacker .
18 ‘ The law leaves us in a very curious condition , ’ former consultant Alan Dixon told the Cox case jury .
19 As baby Odessa 's condition deteriorated they were forced by the war to leave her in a hospital in Belgrade .
20 ‘ But in any case , you had no right to leave me at that pub all night .
21 There 's no point leaving him with half a harem , and there 's no way of telling who 's important and who 's not . ’
22 if it 's here it 's not much point leaving it for once a year .
23 Rain left it to Cobalt to help but Cobalt did not .
24 His vigour left him in September 1422 .
25 The lone C sharp minor Prelude , Op. 45 concludes the final disc leaving us with an example of Cortot 's art at its most fervent and deeply introspective .
26 If these lines come into contact with others of ‘ foreign ’ material such as a polyester , then they melt through in a trice and your kite is away , floating down on the breeze leaving you with two rather expensive short ends .
27 Late forties , husband left her for younger woman most likely .
28 Her husband left her for a job in the Arabian Gulf one year ago , and apart from regular maintenance , neither she nor the children have heard from him since .
29 A stunning young woman whose husband left her for a woman twenty years older than himself , never forgave him for it .
30 Economic pressures belong with Joanna 's mother , whose husband left her with three school-going children ; Helen 's lecturing post in another country is a career move .
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