Example sentences of "[noun sg] must [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a Spanish fund , more than half the members of its decision-making board must be employee representatives .
2 This means that , for equilibrium , total withdrawals must also be £10 million and therefore that income must be £40 million .
3 Defence must be Gordon 's main worry , however , as at times yesterday , notably when Shaun Edwards found an ocean of space to lay on a try for Andy Platt , the tourists fell short of decent club standards .
4 In that case the rational expectation of the average price level must be P 2 .
5 Sarcasm must be part of the course at Hendon' ) .
6 Although my certificate in Sociology had not yet come , I knew that my next and most important study must be Theology , only so I could understand the situation that my children would face in the future , and other people 's children would have to meet as well .
7 of the largest of the continent must be Africa but it does n't fit .
8 You were hoping that Dame Martha , like everyone else , saw what you wanted them to see : a woman wearing Lady Eleanor 's cloak and ring must be Lady Eleanor .
9 The geisha must be Zaza . ’
10 Such a mind must be love rather than hate …
11 In the first place , the Christian 's view of the Old Testament must be Christ 's view of it .
12 Equipment must be services and tested after every hire , to ensure that it is safe to operate , and the test results recorded .
13 One of his contemporaries was the sculptor Alfred Gilbert , whose most famous work must be Eros , the monument to Lord Shaftesbury in Piccadilly Circus .
14 The first requirement must be love of and pride in one 's country , which can grow only in men and women who genuinely feel they have a stake in it , however small ; men and women who know that their own initiative , ingenuity , and hard work will improve that stake and make fuller and more secure lives for their families .
15 They have been careful to note that ‘ the analytical starting point must be labour market and economic restructuring ’ ( Forrest and Murie , 1986 : 49 ) , a position which is not shared by neo-Weberian theorists of consumption cleavages such as Saunders ( 1982 , 1986 ) .
16 Aunt Emily said , ‘ If you read it , dear child , it will take away your fear , ’ and Alexandra , stubbornly remembering Michael Swinton 's saying that she seemed to be working out her own salvation and feeling that the decision to read the journal must be part of that working out , shook her head and sent her needle stabbing in and out of the canvas .
17 The main danger to The Thinker must be Playschool , but he is having his first race since breaking down at Cheltenham in November , 1988 .
18 The main danger to The Thinker must be Playschool , but he is having his first race since breaking down at Cheltenham in November , 1988 .
19 Happy but not complacent — our aim must be 100% Good to Excellent .
20 Kitching , in an otherwise excellent analysis of the problem of autonomous development , seems to confuse autonomous and national development when he argues that if there is no ‘ national capitalist development ’ then the bourgeoisie must be comprador in character ( 1987 , ch.2 ) .
21 She should be the centre of social life abhorred and dominant , and she should sit like a great spider behind the curtains of the Garden Room , spying on her friends , and I knew that her name must be Elizabeth Mapp .
22 Where a child 's capacity to understand fluctuates his overall competence must be suspect .
23 Regulations made by a licensing court must be intra vires .
24 The rest must be profit going direct to the manufacturers .
25 Treaty for a member state to stipulate the following requirements for registering a fishing vessel in its national register : ( a ) the owners and operators of the vessel must be citizens of the member state in question or companies incorporated in that state and , in the case of such a company , at least 75 per cent .
26 of the directors and shareholders of a company owning or operating the vessel must be nationals of the state , even if the competent national authority has the legal power to dispense with that requirement in the case of certain persons ; ( b ) it is contrary to Community law for a member state to lay down as a requirement for registration that the owners , operators , shareholders and directors , as the case may be , must reside and be domiciled in that member state and , in the case of a company , that it must have its principal place of business there ; and ( c ) it is not contrary to Community law for a member state to make the grant of its flag subject to the requirement that the vessel must be managed and its operations directed and controlled from within that member state .
27 ( i ) Must Community law and , in particular , the principles of freedom of establishment , non-discrimination on grounds of nationality and proportionality be interpreted as precluding a member state from stipulating as conditions for the registration of a fishing vessel in its national register : ( a ) that the legal owners and beneficial owners and the charterers , managers and operators of the vessel must be nationals of that member state or companies incorporated in that member state , and that , in the latter case , at least 75 per cent .
28 Treaty for a member state to stipulate as conditions for the registration of a fishing vessel in its national register : ( a ) that the legal owners and beneficial owners and the charterers , managers and operators of the vessel must be nationals of that member state or companies incorporated in that member state , and that , in the latter case , at least 75 per cent .
29 Treaty for a member state to stipulate as conditions for the registration of a fishing vessel in its national register : ( a ) that the legal owners and beneficial owners and the charterers , managers and operators of the vessel must be nationals of that member state or companies incorporated in that member state , and that , in the latter case , at least 75 per cent .
30 We know the river is frozen and the roads blocked , so anything from the water must be weeks old ! ’
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