Example sentences of "[noun sg] even [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is very important to go to the mikva on time , and the woman who puts herself out and goes to the mikva even when it is not convenient to go , is commended by the rabbis in Jewish literature .
2 It will be important to formulate an initial strategy for the bid even if it has to be modified subsequently as a result of changing circumstances .
3 Why this control procedure should have attenuated latent inhibition is not clear , but evidently the presence of S2 can have this effect even when it is not ( as is required by current theories ) presented immediately after S1 .
4 Such spiral waves could be induced by injecting the non-metabolizable analogue InsPS 3 ( ref. 70 ) , whereas the injection of calcium had no effect even though it caused a localized elevation of calcium .
5 What is particularly interesting is that this nuclear PLC- β is activated when Swiss 3T3 cells are stimulated by IGF-1 , whereas bombesin has no effect even though it is a potent activator of phosphoinositide hydrolysis at the plasma membrane .
6 One is guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm even though one does not intend to do so and one is not reckless as to the result : Savage [ 1991 ] 4 All ER 698 ( HL ) .
7 Mr Michel Moussel , the pollution director at the ministry , said that there was no question of checking the allegations by digging in the dump at Montchanin in the Saone et Loire department even if it was proved that the dioxin was buried there .
8 primarily and fundamentally one who is friendly , a good mixer , of sound character and having much commonsense ; she must be patient , not easily put out by misbehaviour or pressure of work , remaining calm at all times ; she must like children and be tolerant of them and their ways and also of her colleagues ; she must be willing to turn her hand to any job that needs to be done in the department even if it is normally done by people junior to herself .
9 Personally I like to keep things as simple as possible , so I always relate this concept to the relative major key even if I 'm dealing with a song which is in a minor key .
10 The young Palestinian men who had gathered in the room to hear her story sat quietly , knowing that she would finish her grief and that this was a ritual even if it was a deeply felt one .
11 This imparts a rhythm to the neck even when it is straight and gives a sense of alertness and tensile strength .
12 She was obviously impatient to be taken out for a spin even though there was hardly puff enough to stir her anemometer .
13 This morning you mysteriously slide me a note telling me to ask you out and now you claim I 'm not really a journalist even though my credentials were thoroughly checked out by your plant manager before he let me near the place .
14 If the defendant can plausibly assert that he is sufficiently without perception even when he is sober , he must be acquitted .
15 When we read in the Roslavl' files that twenty-three agitator brigades were dispatched to villages in order to celebrate international Women 's Day , it is hard to imagine that they ever came across our peasant woman from Struga , and even more difficult to believe that they would have much impact on her ways of thinking even if they did .
16 He does a lot of thinking even if he ca n't say what .
17 This allows a premier cru to stand out and get appropriate recognition even if it should be considered a grand cru .
18 My meadow , which I may well be contemplating with pleasure even as you read this , is a delight .
19 A bailor has it against a mere bailee at pleasure even if he never himself had actual possession of the goods and only acquired title by virtue of an illegal but completely executed contract of sale .
20 Wordsworth had been exhausted by his efforts as early as 1804 ( see Ode to Duty ) , and he would probably have returned to conventional pieties and religion even if his brother 's death had not accelerated to process .
21 In addition , competition may mean that we are unable to recoup our initial investment even if we win the contract .
22 ‘ I ca n't — ’ she cried , shaking her head from side to side even as her body yearned towards his .
23 Given the size of the motion-picture audience it was inevitable that political authorities would become involved in some regulation of the industry even if it was only to be a question of safety and fire regulations , but what made the movies even more into a public issue was that they became a mass activity precisely at the moment when political parties and social agencies were more concerned than ever before with how the masses could be accommodated within cities .
24 PageMaker still commands mastery of its own particular niche even though its sales lead seesaws with that of Ventura .
25 And in another case , decided in the same year , the Court of Appeal held that a mistress was entitled to a beneficial interest in the house she had shared with her lover even though he had left it to marry another woman .
26 Dido 's sobbing for her old lover even as she lies in the arms of her new one — this melancholy , which Virgil , and following him Hardy , responded to with such sympathy , is for Pound deathly , it precludes the genuinely ‘ new ’ , which he urgently wants to find and to celebrate .
27 The president of the Writer 's Association , Hermann Kant , a central committee member , said the exodus of almost 50,000 refugees could not be blamed on the ‘ wicked class enemy ’ in West Germany : ‘ A defeat is a defeat even if it comes on the eve of a glorious celebration . ’
28 In one of heavyweight boxing 's most distinguished nights , Bowe had to tear the crown from a champion who refused to accept the inevitability of defeat even when he was knocked down and seemingly out in the 11th round of a brilliant fight .
29 Mr Ebbert warned that the company would have to continue operating at reduced output levels for the immediate future even though he saw a modest improvement in total UK new car sales this year perhaps up about 7pc to 1.7 million .
30 DAMON Hill is still unsure of his Williams ' future even though he will be chasing a hat-trick of Formula One wins in tomorrow 's Italian Grand Prix at Monza .
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