Example sentences of "[noun sg] as it was " in BNC.

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1 It stood about a quarter of a mile from the house in a triple circle of beech trees , an isolated building so small and perfect that it looked like an architect 's model precisely set in a fabricated landscape , or an elegant ecclesiastical folly , justifying itself only by its classical purity , as distanced from religion as it was from life .
2 Once changes have been made it is just as important to observe the modified unit in action as it was to conduct the initial trials .
3 All in a flurry of dust it came towards her and then she heard Ferdinando shout her name and the neighing of the horse as it was pulled in and she trembled as she opened her eyes and looked up .
4 He spent his time in bed , lying on his left side as it was the only position in which the pain was slightly eased .
5 On any model , when knitting the neckline , start with the second side of the neck with the carriage on the same side as it was when you started the first side of the neck .
6 The rational company would cash in its profits on the speculation — and still cut production and investment as it was priced out of the US market .
7 As this went on , the point of view without extension that was myself and The Fat Controller accompanied the product-of-the future as it was unloaded from the truck and heaped in a stall of warped boards .
8 A.A. Milne refers to the clump at Gills Lap as being enchanted because no one had been able to count the number of trees , even by tying string round each trunk as it was counted .
9 Bodie glanced at the wreck of the Stones ' car as it was slowly winched back across the pavement by the police breakdown truck .
10 The buyer opted to take the car as it was .
11 Occasionally the proprietors of some of the quality houses would comment on the successful inclusion of travel films in the programme as it was thought that this would impress the casual respectable trade but far more common was the exhibitor who reported a hostile response to short films dealing with ‘ industrial ’ subjects .
12 The team had enough on its mind as it was .
13 A second after Perdita fell asleep , it seemed Luke was banging on the door telling her to get up and to wear a sweater as it was cold first thing .
14 The 500ft Demetrius was driven ashore and broke its back on the rocks in a Force 11 gale as it was being towed to port the week before Christmas .
15 I stopped to take a photograph of one estancia that I knew belonged to a Scottish family who had lived there for five generations : even from two miles away I could hear the rhythmic clattering of the tin roof as it was lifted and dropped by the gales .
16 And what sort of things did the education department as it was then , what sort of things were they doing in those days ?
17 Erm we made a little mistake with that one because it was a , a very big area , a lot of houses , and er the Crime Prevention Department as it was then , promised everyone that we 'd visit everyone 's house and , and advise them on their security .
18 I wanted to use the crayons in an exploratory way but also keep control of the drawing as it was part of a set .
19 He was struck by the way that the buffalo hide pictures from the last century , drawn by his great-great grandfathers , showed the monastery as it was now , in 1997 .
20 Approximately 1,250 pages of new information were produced by 3.5 typists , and this involved a lot of unpaid overtime as it was supported with a mere extra £1,000 for limited additional typing help .
21 For Don Cherry , the beat principle of continuous , dynamic movement — always searching , reaching for the new — was as much a physical imperative as it was a philosophical one .
22 They had difficulty in meeting their diocesan quota as it was .
23 The music came from members of the school orchestra who , with Erika on the flute , were rehearsing the ‘ Musical Offering ’ by Bach , an unusual piece as it was Bach 's only work written for five instruments .
24 And that was done piece by piece as it was possible to do it .
25 Their reaction was predictable : ‘ One expects them to groan , though I do n't know quite why we should be seeing a piece as it was performed 50 years ago .
26 Thus the element of moral instruction entered Indirect Rule as it was practised in the Nigerian emirates-though in a system so deliberately obfuscatory it was not easy to see how such instruction could be provided .
27 But there were also emotional reasons behind the rule as it was also a way of reasserting her authority .
28 The examination , therefore , can now be seen as the culmination of the course rather than viewed as an unwelcome intrusion as it was previously .
29 It also gives some indication of the pattern of the sexual division of labour as it was developing in the late 1960s .
30 However , it is obviously as much a waste of funds to give money to privatisation of the coal industry as it was to give money for the poll tax .
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