Example sentences of "[noun sg] but now [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Warm things are said in the flush of the campaign but now that it 's over the first question the Tories should ask is how it would look to the country if a victorious party launched into a frontal assault on the BBC in the wake of its victory .
2 It was a fight but now that I am at college you can believe I am the happiest girl around here .
3 Perhaps it was only the effect of the cold , clinging mist but now and again I would catch a sound as if another rider were covertly following our route .
4 He sued to love the sun and it seemed to give him life but now as they drag his limp body into the sun they realise that nothing will wake him , not even the sun .
5 She moved to the door and glanced back , warming to her mother , it was not often she expressed affection or even concern , she was a hard woman who had lived a difficult life but now and then a little softness crept into Win Morgan 's eyes that betrayed the real woman beneath the stern exterior .
6 After Luke and then Maggie had left for London there were still enough people to dull the heartache and emptiness but now that all the girls had gone it was as if the whole house had been cleaned .
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