Example sentences of "[noun sg] but when it " in BNC.

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1 She said ooh , you know can I invite a couple of friends , can I invite sort of you know , people back to lunch but when it 's sort of the list I mean , cos I I 'm not
2 Whether the image of an ice cream cone or a hamburger is good or bad is not too big an issue but when it comes to nuclear weapons and political events which affect not only the happiness of countless people but which are also a matter of life and death , does it help to avoid value judgements ?
3 MACAULEY Culkin 's Kevin may be a dab hand with a booby trap but when it comes down to straightforward , grimy-faced scallywaggery , there are a couple of Irish lads in Into The West who could give him a run for his money .
4 The question on most people 's lips was not whether there would be war but when it would it break out .
5 British Legion do : they 'd hired a Dixie Band but when it came to it would want Country and Western : six in the band and a twelve pound fee .
6 While Ipswich are one game away from the National League title , Chelmsford are one place away from relegation to the Second Division but when it comes to March 28 the league will seem a million miles away and both sides will have their sights set firmly on a semi-final place .
7 It might be the authorities who give you permission but when it comes to the bit it 's the ordinary policeman who 's getting shot .
8 A severe drought is not a common feature on the field but when it occurs it may be in any month from April to September .
9 Plato makes Protagoras a proponent of democracy , and Socrates is his antagonist : Now when we meet in the Assembly , then if the State is faced with some building project , I observe that the architects are sent for and consulted about the proposed structures , and when it is a matter of shipbuilding , the naval designers , and so on with everything which the Assembly regards as a subject for learning and teaching But when it is something to do with the government of the country that is to be debated , the man who gets up to advise them may be a builder or equally well a blacksmith or a shoemaker , merchant or ship-owner , rich or poor , of good family or none .
10 After 8 April the aluminium returned to tapwater when a mains burst : sludge was found at the bottom of a glass of water but when it was sent to the authority for analysis it was discarded as ‘ too sludgy ’ .
11 All your commissions are paid the following week but when it comes to bonuses we we there is a slight delay , two two may be two to three months .
12 While ‘ The Prophet ’ was asleep , a violent rainstorm swept across the countryside but when it ended and the farmer went to see how the fugitive minister had fared , he found that , miraculously , an area around the sleeping man had been left untouched by the rain .
13 We thought it was interference but when it continued we mapped the entire area . ’
14 ( 22 ) Margaret is a rather meteorological expert they bought some extremely clerical collars This effect is seen very clearly in the cases where the same word can be used in each of the different ways ; thus the adjective musical can perfectly well be modified for intensity when it is used ascriptively : ( 23 ) even as a child Naomi had a very musical voice but when it is associative , the result is again unacceptable : ( 24 ) we 've found a legal text and a very musical treatise 2.6 It is not necessary to be a linguist to feel that there is a difference in the two ways of using attributives .
15 It was an elderly gypsy who had been sitting silently all evening , and the voice was as rough as the open road but when it sang the room became quiet .
16 It has yet to catch on in the Third World but when it does it could prove extremely useful .
17 ( The meeting started in a vegetarian restaurant but when it turned out that the table was already booked , we carried on outside , in a freezing wind .
18 rate you have to add at first , you can drink it while it 's fermenting , it 's quite a refreshing drink a bit tart to my taste but when it ferments out it becomes er a liquor called Arak which is their version of .
19 Anyway Rick spent what seemed like an eternity before he got the fish near the net but when it showed for the first time it soon became apparent why it had been so stubborn , the fish was massive !
20 This may well seem to be the most efficient way of utilising office time but when it comes to weighing up effectiveness the pro-forma is a non-starter as parents are antagonised by this bureaucratic and impersonal style of communication .
21 The question is not just whether it criticizes the Conservative Party but when it criticizes the Conservative Party .
22 Today there are other causes for a decline but when it happens unemployment spreads in the same way , from one industry to another .
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