Example sentences of "[noun sg] from the day " in BNC.

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1 After a quarter century of peace , broken by underfinanced wars against the Netherlands , England had undertaken a quarter-century of wars against France that ran almost without interruption from the day William III came to the throne until the death of Queen Anne .
2 Instead , listeners heard the voice of Keith Skues , the veteran from the days of Radio Caroline and Radio London — which were anchored off the Essex coast — and who later joined Radio One .
3 Totally correct wear for the feet are over-the-calf socks of the finest black silk and lace-up shoes in black patent leather — a remnant from the days of boots .
4 The 1990 Act provides that every registration shall have effect from the day on which it is entered in the register .
5 The back light from the day 's end made them even more dramatic and the sea was on fire .
6 Would you say that things have changed a great deal from the days when you finished your drama school training at Central in 1966 ?
7 The Madeiran is an amalgam of descent from the various areas of northern Portugal and the central area around the Alentejo , as well as southern types from the Algarve , together with Moorish influence from the days of the slaves .
8 You will be covered under the Plan from the day we receive your Enrolment Form .
9 Former gunnery training hall from the days of 42 Air School , now a new division of the SAAF Museum .
10 That Committee is at a remove from the day to day problems that harass the project members , and has a special responsibility for drawing attention to underlying problems and longer term implications .
11 But it was crazy to expect oddness from the day to match her own .
12 This is a far cry from the days when increases in national income were committed by the conference before they were generated and the economy 's commanding heights were deemed to be heavy , smokestack industries .
13 Although its milling days are long over , the mill now forms a useful storage building as well as housing a small electronics workshop , a far cry from the days of steam and dust featured throughout its century of use .
14 It 's all a far cry from the days when Jason and Howard were on £40 a week YTS schemes , Gary was touring the cabaret circuit , and Robbie and Mark were still wondering what career direction to take .
15 He was offering easy money , a far cry from the days when it was a means to an end .
16 It 's a busy , demanding life — a far cry from the days when Odette would sit at home , too tired to do anything except console herself with chocolates .
17 One ca n't believe that players such as Colin Stephens , Aled Williams or Adrian Davies would not do a better job in the No10 jersey and it seems a far cry from the days when the Welsh stand off factory was in full production .
18 General Ghazi Kenaan , head of Syrian military intelligence in Lebanon , and a subject of Coleman 's close attention from the day he arrived in Beirut as a DIA agent , was the fourth key figure in the heroin cartel .
19 Channel 4 had no remedy at all when the judge at the Official Secrets trial of Clive Ponting issued an order banning the television station from using actors to read each evening from the day 's transcripts of this controversial trial .
20 As with the rest of the pay and file regulations , interest charges will run on unpaid s 419 tax from the day after the payment is due until the date of payment .
21 On Timor by late May , however , there was the comforting knowledge that the most seriously wounded could be evacuated by sea-plane through Suai and that others could be cared for in the Ainaro hospital — a different picture from the days of doubt and dismay some eight weeks earlier .
22 Every boy had his own room from the day he arrived at Eton .
23 This chapter has considered the important topic of money : we examined the definition of money , its functions and traced its evolution from the days of the goldsmiths .
24 The employer 's expectations and my expectations will be different , and inevitably compromise will characterize our relationship from the day I join until the day I depart .
25 If Colt knew , then he 'd be back , but it looks like he never made contact from the day he disappeared , so he wo n't know .
26 The preponderance of clerical workers , Party officials and students in the Congress delegation of 1937 , though not necessarily representative of proportions within the Party , indicates the transformation from the days when over 60 per cent of the members and delegates had been unemployed .
27 It is a fine manor house , showing the development from the days of the one main hall to the additional smaller rooms of winter parlour , solar , etc .
28 The priestly authors who compiled this version of the creation story show us a God who differentiates , who divides the night from the day , the light from the dark .
29 The beach at Barra ( population 1500 ) was a different story from the day before — blue sky and lesser wind , so landing was a routine non-event .
30 The Sheikha again said that it was a story from the days past but Halema did not say another word .
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