Example sentences of "[noun sg] she [vb mod] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They entered the house at lightning speed , with Robyn only too aware of the expensive hallway , the elegant furnishings , convinced that at any moment she would disgrace herself ; to vomit now , before she reached a bathroom , would be the final humiliation .
2 She could put up with that if it got her to a city , or within reach of a ve-hickle she could scav .
3 As she plodded through her notes she decided that at the end of the month she would hand in her notice , and on the day she left she would brandish Elise 's diary before his eyes .
4 ass If she starts out a goosegirl she 'll shit on
5 In the meantime she must Plan .
6 He trill is in good working order , she can float a quiet top A as at the end of ‘ Senza mamma ’ , and though she had a problem with breath-control she can sill manage skilfully in such testing pieces as the Freischütz arias .
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