Example sentences of "[noun sg] do we [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of asking ‘ How do we ever unlearn our native egoism ? ’ we must ask ‘ How near to a true philosophical egoism do we ever succeed in getting ? ’
2 We do n't eat that much red meat do we now ?
3 How many times during a day do we actually get through to the person we need to speak to ?
4 How much sleep do we actually " need " ?
5 When our member then appealed to the Regional Secretary and said , well , I think I do wan na appeal and go further than this because I feel I 'm right , what letter did we then get in reply .
6 Not until after the middle of the seventeenth century do we once more find a government clerk making use of verse as an outlet after he has become psychotic , and then , as he writes from the asylum , he has nothing to lose by revealing himself .
7 So how much fat do we actually need ?
8 And then , what design do we actually submit ?
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