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1 ( from ‘ What Difference Does It Make ’ . )
2 The Smiths recorded three John Peel sessions in the preceding months , comprising ‘ This Charming Man ’ , ‘ Handsome Devil ’ , ‘ Reel Around The Fountain ’ , ‘ Back To The Old House ’ , ‘ Still Ill ’ , ‘ What Difference Does It Make ’ and ‘ This Night Has Opened My Eyes ’ .
3 January 20 1984 saw the release of ‘ What Difference Does It Make ’ .
4 ‘ What Difference Does It Make ? ’ was a catch phrase with a catch .
5 ‘ What Difference Does It Make ’ led the band neatly into their first major tour .
6 In Sounds , the final round-up of the indie singles chart gave the band 's number one and two with ‘ What Difference Does It Make ’ and ‘ Heaven Knows I 'm Miserable Now ’ respectively with three other singles ( if you count Sandie Shaw 's little effort ) in the top thirty .
7 ‘ What Difference Does It Make
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