Example sentences of "[noun sg] they [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Christ , if they took speed they could be high six hours .
2 The dealing manager would tell them what stock they would be selling .
3 Well it 's impossible at the moment , with the media coverage and the erm information about war and the situation in the Gulf , not to touch children , however careful the adults around them may be , and it 's very important for us as adults to not be so caught up , in our excitement perhaps even , about what 's going on and all the razzmatazz that may be attached to the sort of glory of whose ever side they may be on that we forget the extent to which children are very much affected by how they see the adults around them respond to what 's going on .
4 ‘ I wonder which side they 'll be on , ’ Petion murmured , with a hint of worry in his voice .
5 They came home from the sortie on Sunday knowing that the next time they sit down to pick an Under-25 international side they will be looking for three new skips .
6 And sitting on the ground , with his back against the sign which told travellers which side they should be queuing on , he found the Campbell .
7 It had an iron gate almost indistinguishable from the railings , and he preceded her through it to the front door which was centrally placed between tall windows , with a bow window above it belonging to the bedroom they would be sharing .
8 Political advisers on the rates will not be allowed despite the committee 's recommendation they should be available to all party groups .
9 If they manage to collect 50kg of the slag which is washed ashore from the coalmines further up the coast they 'll be paid 80 pesos , that 's about 10 pence .
10 As a result they will be less susceptible to being ‘ fooled ’ or ‘ surprised ’ by the actions of the monetary authorities .
11 The skins are sold to the rug trade and in future they may be used for making garments .
12 In future they will be treated like other manual workers and be paid monthly salaries .
13 In future they will be out of the game until they have been put on-side .
14 So the results of this trial will be of enormous benefit to mothers as in future they will be offered a treatment which has been shown to be effective .
15 Admittedly the Fanuc robots are Japanese , but in future they will be made under licence and sold under the name ‘ 600 Fanuc ’ .
16 In the past , that is , Japanese firms have been export-driven ; in future they will be less likely to export their way out of trouble .
17 Firstly through exhibitions and our support for exhibitions organised by other organizations , and also by taking crafts into schools so that we are , if you like , exposing the younger generation to the best in the craft world , in the hope that in the future they will be the buyers of good craft work .
18 Had they not all agreed when they left Ecalpemos and went their separate ways that it.was to be as if they had never met , known each other , lived together , that in future they must be strangers and more than strangers ?
19 Pile length and density affect the carpet 's performance as well as its looks , and most carpets are classified to indicate the sort of wear they can be expected to tolerate .
20 As well as providing additional cover for the VVIP at Royal St. George 's Golf Club they would be available to deal with any terrorist activity .
21 I thought you would never come , ’ she said as Claudia stepped into a scene of such chaos that it seemed an impossibility they would be ready on time .
22 Well there would be a seat they would be facing each other in their seats .
23 If they did n't pay the rent they could be turned out of the house and have to sleep in a ditch .
24 The Second Division club fear they will be allotted 17,800 tickets if Liverpool overcome Portsmouth at Villa Park , though they expect to receive more if Portsmouth reach the final .
25 The judges who decided McLoughlin worried about the most accurate description of the principles underlying the precedent cases cited to them , although they knew that nothing in the explicit extension of any convention settled what these principles were or what weight they should be given .
26 If you require the help of your local Social Services Department they can be contacted through your local Town Hall .
27 Under such uncertainty they could be involved , he declared , in protracted litigation .
28 To the outsider they would be mistaken for smartly uniformed security guards rather than the trained storm-troopers they were .
29 I can go home now and again to stay with my sister , and Newbury Council have said that when I come back into circulation they 'd be willing to find me another place , and hopefully I 'll find a little job .
30 Because application forms provide the basis of what is in reality a preliminary round of the interview they should be well thought out .
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