Example sentences of "[noun sg] they [vb base] you " in BNC.

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1 In all the restaurants down on the coast they offer you very much the same salad , sometimes with a few olives , cucumber slices and cos lettuce all prettily arranged on a flat dish , a mixture not unlike the salade niçoise of Southern France .
2 If the house is rented or occupied by relatives other than your spouse or carer the rent they pay you could contribute towards any share of the costs you are required to pay .
3 It 's the humiliation they make you feel .
4 Er I 've got two I 've just just been two schoolkids who are not doing very well and they the end of term they 've you know the teacher 's said they 're sort of very far behind and they need to do some work during the holidays .
5 Can I say something about , dear I do n't know if your aware the against it now you see how much work they do you know keep it .
6 It 's just a reference they want you Mr Smith two doors away
7 ‘ I knew you were n't the composing machine they say you are . ’
8 It 'll also tell you that if in return they call you a dweeb or a flake , they 're probably not being very polite either .
9 In return they give you a lot of care and sex . ’
10 If you do n't take it , you know , if you ca n't take the joke they give you , they just they get really upset about it .
11 And when he gets the other stuff they give you that big bloody beaker full of it !
12 That 's why I think people got in debt because they 'd been having things that they could n't afford , I mean er , at one time you was never encouraged to ha er have things , now I mean the minute they see you 're getting low on your , oh have something else , have something else
13 One minute they say you ca n't eat , and then they say that you can eat it !
14 The unspoken message of the video they lend you is that you start the week head-planting in the snow and finish it bouncing imperturbably down virgin slopes .
15 In the block they put you in a gown — a strip dress , no knickers or bra , and your clothes and shoes outside the door .
16 Brian had his cholesterol test on er little bit of paper they give you with all the information it tells you the only oils you should use are erm olive oil and saffro saffrall
17 And the following month they drop you , that 's how they used to do it
18 the pedestal they put you on .
19 What a horror they drive you mad though , god As soon as you 've got you get used to stage with just Charlotte where you can get on and do things an
20 What just in case they put you down on maths .
21 I said , ‘ I think you should know how to cook a few things , in case they ask you to feed the children , ’ but she seemed to think that knowing how to make a Marmite sandwich would be enough .
22 And anyway he 's got to pretend that he 's the man of the house so in case they think you 're on your own .
23 The bit they give you marks for .
24 Well for English literature they set you so many books to study , that was one of them .
25 Their grub was of the very healthiest — not like that shit they make you eat uptown .
26 When you apply to become an AA man they give you six broken cars to get started in half-an-hour .
27 As the needle got closer to my arm I remembered that it never used to hurt as long as I gripped really tightly the nice bit of perspex they lend you .
28 ‘ Do n't believe a word they tell you , Howard .
29 And you are left in this condition during the operation , then at the end of the operation they give you a second injection that reverses the first one that paralysed you .
30 Everybody expects you to be really loud and if you 're in any way quiet they think you 're nervous but you might n't be .
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