Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As we saw in Chapter 5 , he suggested that the style adopted depends upon the perception that leaders have of their subordinates .
2 With so many problems impinging on the plans to close Britain 's mental hospitals and , whether justified or not , a public perception that closures cause tragic failures of care , it seems extraordinary that the Department of Health can not say how many mental hospitals are due to close .
3 The authors believe that a major reason for the public 's perception that auditors lack independence is their ‘ weak structural position ’ , and that the only way to overcome this is for audit regulation to be taken away from the profession .
4 However , insofar as the theories that make up our scientific knowledge are fallible and incomplete , the guidance that theories offer as to what observations are relevant to some phenomenon under investigation may be misleading , and may result in some important factors being overlooked .
5 The ingredient that champions have is that they practice what they need to learn . ’
6 This was a somewhat underexploited arthropodan niche that ants have claimed as their domain .
7 The answer is no , but the high-backed boot has certainly helped everyone ski the powder because it provides that little tweak of leverage that helps pull the tips of your skis up .
8 It shows the appalling deprivation and human loss that Russians suffered during the Second World War and the difficulty that children of the thirties had in adjusting to life in post-war Russia .
9 His narrow shoulders had a permanent forward-drooping hunch , with the result that clothes seemed to hang off him in shapeless folds .
10 One aspect of this fear was the way in which the new notion of female impurity rapidly made inroads into the popular imagination , with the result that women came to be seen as a constant stumbling block to man 's improvement , a blight on the possibility of his attaining the now required ( i.e. post-exilic ) standard of personal purity .
11 Under the Act , regional councils no longer have the power to coordinate bus services in their area , with the result that gaps have begun to open up in the bus network throughout Scotland .
12 In 1857 , however , the state had started encouraging the creation of private joint-stock companies for the construction of railways , with the result that investors had taken their money out of state banks and put it into railway-building .
13 British farmers are not producing enough organic food to meet rapidly-rising consumer demand , with the result that imports account for 70 per cent of the annual market , according to the Organic Food and Farming Centre .
14 It was also estimated that 60 per cent of the fruit and vegetable crop had been lost , although this could be blamed in part on almost continuous rain between late August and October in the main vegetable-growing belt of central European Russia , Byelorussia and the north Ukraine , with the result that crops had rotted in waterlogged fields .
15 When it becomes trapped in buildings , it is inhaled with the result that particles become lodged in the lining of the lung and irradiate the tissues , increasing the risk of lung cancer .
16 The attempt to bridge the arts/science divide was , in many cases , doomed to failure , with the result that students felt forced to make a choice between their coursework and their outside interests .
17 The removal of entry quotas encouraged young people who had been denied access to universities in the last years of Nicholas to enter them under Alexander , with the result that students tended to be older and more politically engaged than they had been in the past .
18 It has been forced to slash prices , with the result that profits dropped 11 per cent to £62 million in the six months to June — even though sales were up £120 million .
19 If a change in control occurs employment contracts may be terminated , with the result that employees lose the gains from firm-specific training .
20 And in one experiment rats were exposed throughout infancy to the music of either Mozart or Schoenberg and then given musical preference tests in adulthood ( with the result that animals brought up on Mozart showed a definite preference for that music , whereas the Schoenberg-reared group gave no indication of a hankering after the familiar music ! ) .
21 Crucially , evacuees in the first wave were never subjected to systematic medical inspection — with the result that allegations thrived , both then and subsequently .
22 The House of Commons Committee on Education , Science and Arts ( Education , Science and Arts Committee , 1981 ) was also concerned about the way subject traditions defend their own patch , with the result that pupils receive an offering of a series of unrelated specialisms , and it was anxious to encourage a more holistic consideration of the curriculum .
23 Less sleep is needed by the elderly , but the habits of a lifetime might not be changed automatically , with the result that individuals retire earlier than necessary and too much time is spent in bed .
24 Official standards of overcrowding have been raised over the years with the result that comparisons become difficult .
25 If companies have to pay much , they may carry on as usual , and the cost of repairing the drains may exceed the revenue that charges bring .
26 The Right-Ons fired back the unanswerable reply that meetings belonged to those who attended them .
27 Sir Hugh told the BBC Northern Ireland Inside Ulster programme that lives had been saved and damage prevented by the huge haul of Semtex seized last week .
28 Like Juvenal , Duncan realizes At this point enters Macbeth , the new Thane of Cawdor , a double irony that critics have long relished .
29 The designer of any control system should bear in mind that controls influence the way people think , talk , act and react .
30 If there 's a chance you might want to move to Windows later on , bear in mind that Windows apps , like some games , are real gluttons when it comes to hard disk space .
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