Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [vb base] for " in BNC.

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1 During night missions inside Iraq , the laser shines from the belly of the bomber , and is kept on target by the pilot or the weapons officer , with the help of electronics that compensate for the aircraft 's movements .
2 Finally , it is pointed out that if times are indeed bad then , in the name of justice and humanity , more rather than less should be spent on those services in cash and kind that cater for the welfare of those in need .
3 Hotels fall into many categories , ranging from boarding houses , guest houses , country inns , small hotels with between 25 to 50 bedrooms , medium-sized hotels with up to 200 bedrooms , large hotels with several hundred bedrooms , and special transient hotels such as motels , motorway hotels , post-houses , airport hotels and hotels in large cities whose business consists mainly of guests in transit that stay for one or two nights only .
4 The hotel is one of a select band that qualify for Vorarlberg 's ‘ family specialist ’ status .
5 The notion that support for democracy might mean taking sides in a kind of class war will seem absurd to most people today .
6 The number of boundaries of competence that exist for any given social entity may vary : the members of an isolated New Guinea society , all of whom perform virtually identical tasks according to age and sex , will have fewer than the members of a more complex society with a greater division of labour .
7 LIBF director Brian Bradford said this week that demand for stands had been considerable and the fair was already close to being a sell-out .
8 Very soon chancellors of the Exchequer , exploiting concern that demand for services was much greater than expected , secured first small payments for spectacles and dental treatment , and then prescription charges , as ways of raising revenue .
9 Sir Julian Huxley argued that the directional component in cognitive evolution was made possible by an increasing stability of internal integration in the body together with increases in social integration that allow for stable social systems in which individuals can learn while young .
10 Many respondents , especially those answering ‘ no ’ , interpreted question 1 by focusing on the traditional model of sole practice , and appear to have answered on the assumption that support for any enforced modification of the present model would give rise to a negative response .
11 The other weakness in Handy 's argument is that there is every possibility that demand for more education and health care will be expressed in the market place as consumers choose to buy these commodities .
12 I have rarely if ever met a prison administrator , who does not subscribe to the doctrine that work for prisoners is the best training for life after release , and that it is also the best mechanism for running a humane and tidy prison .
13 For the Americans it was the first declaration in a film that love for pleasure is not sin .
14 For years , the Clow surcharge was misleadingly referred to by electrical enthusiasts as proof that demand for electricity at peak times was completely inelastic within the relevant price ranges .
15 Although America 's electronics industries are keen for the government to renew the parts of this agreement that call for the Japanese to buy more American chips , their ardour for price-fixing has cooled .
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