Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pron] work " in BNC.

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1 That was er more or less the compartment that I worked in .
2 erm the fella that you work with
3 Now the fella that I worked with was the president of the union from the branch .
4 The overtime that we worked is about thirty five hours at six pounds an hour .
5 Even if their visits give a kind of pleasure that er , Elizabeth suggested er the th the , the Duchess of Yorks ' visit to , brought to the hospice that she works at ?
6 He says it 's part of the staff 's contract that they work different shift from time to time — at times of crisis or if someone is sick we have to ask someone who knows the job to cover .
7 It 's essential that in the terms of the er report from the social service committee that we work , we work to the framework within that report .
8 He went home with a single man whose mantelpiece was crowded with framed family photos — partners , holidays , weddings , babies , graduations , christenings ; the man ( who was gorgeous ) told Boy that he worked in a photo processing lab , and that none of the photos were of his own family or lovers , but were all stolen .
9 So they 're gon na take you on now on the basis that you work seven days a week .
10 Frequently venue staff try to set everything up before you arrive , on the basis that it worked for the people before you and it 's less effort for them .
11 In fact the enzyme that I work with is a bacterial enzyme .
12 I just feel that you know , if you if in the seventh year they get the opinion that you work in school and you do nowt out of school come ninth year , tenth year , eleventh year you ai n't gon na change it !
13 Even more serious may be the effect of a take-over of the business that you work for .
14 Documents written at the abbey record that he worked in several media .
15 Herbal remedies : ‘ There is no evidence that they work ’ apart from traditional Chinese medicinal plants in the treatment of childhood eczema .
16 Tan accelerators claim to speed up production of melanin — the pigment produced by your skin in the sun — but there 's no evidence that they work .
17 But we need zoos and botanical gardens to conserve species , because they are disappearing daily with dwindling habitats and pollution threatening the integrity of ecosystems , — and to educate the public , although there is no clear evidence that it works .
18 The department of health has been recommending early penicillin treatment in meningitis cases since nineteen eighty eight , but there 's never been any evidence that it works , until now .
19 There is evidence that it works in terms of reoffending , but there are lots of other indices like home life , burden on the welfare .
20 Regardless of the wide use of acupuncture and BEM , hard-nosed sceptics still insist that such methods are entirely placebo oriented , in as much as the patient 's belief that they work effects the cure .
21 Erm no it 's more likely to be a calendar month that she works on and fortunately February has four weeks in it this year for where our pay day is so I would be putting it in sort of like Feb first .
22 But er there there were there were some pe our , our , on the bench that we we had a really , cross section on the bench that I worked on , there were very , women , one woman she 'd never been to work in her life .
23 Believe it or not , two young children were found apparently lost in the store that I work in .
24 We ca n't , we ca n't be driven by the definition that they work
25 The definition that I work to is this one .
26 what I wrote or the example that I worked out or even the way you did it yourself here
27 She will lose one week 's SMP for each week or part-week that she works during her MPP .
28 The firm that I worked from were n't too bad .
29 If the firm that you work for closes down , it will usually be beyond dispute that you are redundant .
30 Not in the sense that I work for any authority .
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