Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is one of the paradoxes of contemporary political thinking that at the same time as much conventional theory has tried to restrict the idea of democracy to that of choosing a government from competing elites , it is also widely admitted that the theoretical sovereignty of these democratic governments is not in fact matched by their actual powers over society , particularly in relation to the vast conglomerate firms and multi-national companies on whose policies and decisions the employment and livelihood of so many millions now depend .
2 It is a common perception that during the 1950s biology replaced physics as the most exciting domain of science .
3 One Sunday morning after he had gone to his chapel and I to my church , he came back excitedly waving a newspaper and said ‘ Listen to this , ’ and he read the Dylan Thomas poem ‘ The force that through the green fuse drives the flower ’ .
4 It was the force that through the green fuse … drove him .
5 ‘ The force that through the green fuse drives the flower . ’
6 The Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Hisham Nazer was quoted before the meeting as saying that while Saudi Arabia would continue to support the US$21 reference price , it would not " force that on the market by a deliberate creation of shortage " .
7 I 'll never know how I made it through to the interval , an hour later , but I do know that I wrenched those lenses out with such force that in the second act I was white-faced , red-eyed , and resembled one of the Brides of Dracula .
8 Gabriel obeyed at once , and while riding along was thinking so hard about the shooting that in the darkness he failed to notice a man walking along the road to Casterbridge .
9 These are : 1 the differences between speech and writing ; 2 the nature and internal organisation of written texts ; 3 the processes of writing — and concomitant with this , the appreciation that for the purposes of teaching , the process is of prior importance to the product .
10 The course was also marketed extensively overseas , with the result that of the current 454 members , 20% are resident abroad .
11 Mine comes from peaty moorland and the pH is too low with the result that over the years copper pipework corrodes in places , especially at low points .
12 Breeze and Gay had printed their handbills with great care , and had painted their board most beautifully — with the result that on the following Sunday afternoon the entire population of Overclyst and Clyst St George filed past Sunset Cottage in slow procession , gazing open-mouthed at the birthplace of such a surprising scheme .
13 By manipulating the number of days in the intercalary month they could prolong a term of office or hasten an election , with the result that by the time of Julius Caesar the civil year was about three months out of phase with the astronomical year , so that the winter months fell in the autumn and the spring equinox came in the winter .
14 The old Whig platform for constitutional reform was slowly taken up by the London Tories , with the result that by the last years of Anne 's reign they had largely absorbed their opponents ' former libertarian rhetoric .
15 Indeed , it is a matter of pride for his club that in the February issue of Rugby World & Post Andrew led the try-scorers in Britain and Ireland with 23 ( he now has 26 ) and his partner at stand-off , Jonathan Newton , led the point-scorers with 267 ( now over 300 ) ;
16 It should be borne in mind that despite the fact that psychiatric diseases such as depression or manic-depression tend to be vastly over-diagnosed , particularly in sufferers from alcoholism ( in whom these features may be indications of their primary disease of alcoholism ) , some patients do have both addictive disease and psychiatric disease and need appropriate treatment for both .
17 He writes in the last paragraph , ‘ It should be borne in mind that for the creation of a climatic regime managed by man , further progress of science and engineering is necessary which would permit a considerable increase in the present production of energy .
18 Also , bear in mind that for the single horse owner a bag of coarse mix will be used up while the feed still retains its value .
19 Unfortunately it is not cheap or readily obtainable , bearing in mind that with the radiometer it might be necessary to screen a considerable proportion of a growth room .
20 However , one has to bear in mind that at the last meeting of the West Essex Health Authority erm they are saying that they ca n't carry on treating the same amount of people erm , because they 're overspend already this year and that they will not treat these er , extra contractual referrals without prior funding being approved and that was co , that was actually stated at the meeting last week .
21 One has to bear in mind that at the age at which McCausland was wireless operator/air gunner in the hostile skies over Italy , young men of the present day will be worrying about A-level results or first year at university .
22 What planning should he undertake with respect to inheritance tax — bearing in mind that under the deemed domicile provisions in IHTA 1984 , s267(1) the taxpayer is deemed to be domiciled in the United Kingdom if he was so domiciled three years immediately preceding his death or he was resident in the United Kingdom in not less than 17 of the 20 years of assessment ending with the year of assessment in which the death occurs ?
23 It crossed Harry 's mind that on the kind of salary he received — even if he was lucky enough to be paid as well by an English employer as he was by Wendell Harvey — Madeleine would not be able to afford designer dresses , or any other of those expensive luxuries she took for granted .
24 When my hon. Friend returns to his desk after the next election has been won by the Conservatives , will he bear it in mind that in the past 10 years west Lancashire has benefited greatly from being a development area ?
25 Bearing in mind that after the stinginess of Armadale he had gone to the house of this ‘ hearty welcome ’ , and had been pleased with ‘ a numerous and cheerful company ’ — why did Boswell prove less forthcoming than one might have expected about the Mackinnons ?
26 Well , the thing is what 's happening , I thought we might spend some time on if wanted , what I wanted to do was to be sure in my own mind that by the second week I could put up a master sheet with all the headings of what you were doing , that 's got ta be done .
27 I thank the Minister for that answer and the confirmation that during the Government 's tenure the burden has been placed firmly on the shoulders of those who are least able to bear it .
28 Having a strong personality , she had battled her way into the medical profession and convinced many doctors by demonstration that at the very least they could n't shut their eyes to the possibilities of her treatment .
29 This is an impressive performance which provides a clear demonstration that through the provision of a comprehensive and carefully targeted range of marketing support schemes , the IDB is helping local companies of all sizes to develop their international competitiveness , expand their exporting capability and market share and win significant new international business , thereby creating growth and sustained and stable employment .
30 Those cited by him included the following : it was a one-off opportunity ; there was a fear that despite the justice of the case it would not be sufficient to persuade the Government to recognise the principle by proposing legislation ; the practical impact would be limited as most cases would continue to be regulated by the various statutory regimes ; and it was consistent with Community law .
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