Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The council of research ministers for the European Communities ( EC ) today ( 29 April ) will discuss a proposed budget for the fourth Framework programme that matches what member countries have said they can afford .
2 Also , by restricting itself to the realm of discourse , the definition leaves open the relationship between particular discourses , specific practices of discrimination , and particular unequal or discriminatory outcomes ( although bearing in mind that discourses themselves involve acts or practices of expression ) .
3 Thus it is essential that we keep in mind that notions which may now seem ‘ normal ’ and ‘ natural ’ are in fact , as with most things , social and cultural constructs determined by a complex of reasons and situations .
4 But if there is a distinctive female verbal culture — and here we need to bear in mind that women themselves are not a homogeneous group — I would argue that it has been shaped by patriarchal conditions , including the restrictions placed on women 's lives and words .
5 A registered charity , all dogs and prospective owners are vetted and this accounts for the high success rate but it must be kept in mind that people who need to find a new home for their dog usually have a problem , or a problem dog .
6 If central heating is to be newly installed , it should be borne in mind that people who have two different forms of heating are at an advantage during a power failure or power cut if there is a strike , also that gas- or oil-fired central heating depend upon an electric pump .
7 Perhaps some final confirmation that mankind itself was ineradicably corrupt , that life was indeed just a gaudy nightmare in the head of an imbecile ?
8 It is common currency within executive search that consultants who are successful with one national or international executive search firm may find it very hard to be successful in others just because the expectations and culture , way of operating and behaviour may be vastly different .
9 But insurers have agreed to pay out if it is discovered in future that procedures which would now be classified as benign are found to cause environmental damage .
10 It was suggested in the last chapter that analysis which tends to deal with the nature of modernity itself is always in danger of leading to assumptions concerning the superiority of certain ‘ advanced ’ peoples over others , which are in effect a version of primitivism .
11 And referring to the council 's hardship panel he added : ‘ We have had scores of people with high mortgages , some as much as £600–£700 a month , which gives an indication that people who have not paid are not just one class of people . ’
12 ONE type of wild potato has developed a novel way of protecting itself from the ravages of aphids — by producing the chemical that aphids themselves use as an alarm signal .
13 When the United Nations Organization was created in June 1945 , Spain was debarred , thanks to a proposal made by the Mexican delegation to the effect that countries whose regimes had been assisted by anti-democratic states should be excluded from membership .
14 Silence fell , during which Liz inspected Henrietta 's blue dress : it was poutily , boldly cut , made of the kind of shot , stiff , shiny non-absorbent kind of fabric that Liz herself avoided , for it made her sweat ; indeed it made her sweat to look at it .
15 Both states were regarded as not only undesirable but criminal : after the Burgess/Maclean scandal in 1951 , police prosecutions against homosexuals reached a peak in 1953/4 , while the scare headlines accorded by the press to the Clapham Common murder in the summer of 1953 lodged in the public 's heads the equation that people who wore Edwardian clothes would knife you at the drop of a hat .
16 ‘ My father used to tell a story that shows what I mean .
17 It used to be the case that contestants who were struck lightly in the face could exaggerate injury in order to have the opponent 's score disallowed .
18 It is not invariably the case that Shetlanders who are selling land , will exhibit loyalty and give preference to other Shetlanders , especially if the other Shetlanders are not related .
19 Consider also if cc occurred then , even if there also occurred any change x logically consistent with cc and e , it was also the case that e occurred-which is the first part of the independent conditional in ( 5 ) .
20 It has generally been the case that people who leave the DUP see their political careers terminated .
21 It is also the case that people who live with financial anxieties , poor health , and insecurity of employment income and accommodation are rarely happy and usually suffer not only from the actual privations of poverty or homelessness but also from a demoralizing sense of failure .
22 Among the many popular items in this Bill is the provision that councillors who will not pay their community charge or their council tax will not in future be entitled to vote on setting a budget for their local authorities —
23 His brow furrows , the grooves of skin that ridge his forehead a natural thing he was born with .
24 The overall low significance correlation with adherence to programme is probably the unsurprising finding that projects which are technically successful at most stages tend to slip less than those which are not .
25 It was It seems a kind of I mean it seems to have gone on quite a bit that people who had a Co book would allow other people to draw off of that , would go to the shops and buy whatever they needed of the Co book .
26 He made that noise that men who drink beer make , and wiped his mouth on the back of his wrist .
27 But they then had to contend with the response that faith itself might be interpreted as an ‘ inner work ’ , a good deed of the mind .
28 ‘ It is here of course that Dickens himself stayed , in a house now put of this hotel , while finishing the writing of the immortal Nicholas Nickleby , and on other occasions and later in the hotel itself . ’
29 The Health Minister , Virginia Bottomley has said in the House of Commons this afternoon that haemophiliacs who contracted the H I V virus through imported blood products , can not expect further compensation .
30 It 's one of those rare books of comic genius that imprints itself on the brain and can never afterwards be eradicated .
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