Example sentences of "[noun sg] that you may " in BNC.

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1 You also need to bear in mind that you may have other payments under existing deeds of covenant or other payments made under Gift Aid in the same tax year , and you will need to have a taxable income at least equal to the gross amount of all these payment , as well as the Gift Aid payment being contemplated , otherwise you will have to account to the Revenue for some tax .
2 Now bear in mind that you may be up anything up to three months in a condition where you 're completely and totally unable to move a muscle for yourself .
3 When choosing this item bear in mind that you may have to walk long distances , so check the padding on the harnesses and straps for comfort .
4 In other words you must use your powers of thought alone to let go of any tension that you may feel .
5 All the caution and tension that you may have been feeling has now flown .
6 It covers damage to a car that you may damage , damage to the driver of that car , and damage to your car in the case of fire or theft .
7 Sometimes one fact or figure that you may need is not defined : you are expected to know it .
8 Talking too much has the additional disadvantage that you may end up revealing more than you intended , especially if you do not want to draw attention to a lack of relevant expertise , or a past unhappy work experience .
9 The kind of protection that you may require depends to some extent on the status of your employer .
10 A second factor which I 'd like to raise , and please stop me , sir , if I 'm not playing your ground rules here , is to get back to the original point made by Mr Davis , as to how this figure is going to be split between the districts , I think it 's absolutely essential that this figure is split between the districts , and it may well be , if you decide , sir , to recommend in favour of the new settlement that you may have to leave that as a floating figure to go around the districts , at the moment it is not .
11 I 'll give you one story that you may not think could have been cut down , but , the headline read , ‘ War Declared ’ .
12 Now , pedicures is really a manicure of the toes , but what we do with a pedicure , we actually rub away the hard skin that you may have on the bottom of your feet , on the side of your big toe , that 's usually where it builds up , or on the ball of the foot .
13 ’ I am writing in the hope that you may be able to give me some positive information regarding the money I am supposed to live on .
14 Bearing in mind the difficulty that you may have had even in locating a book on the shelves in your room , imagine what a formidable task it is to arrange hundreds of thousands of books in a college library in such a way that each reader can quickly find a particular book or publication on a particular topic .
15 This month at Exit Art/The First World , the recently expanded art conglomerate founded ten years ago by Jeanette Ingberman and Papo Colo , you can see the very same announcements by Rauschenberg , Duchamp , Rivers & Co that you may have thrown away — along with about 200 others — in ‘ The Design Show ’ , a survey of gallery invitations from the years 1940–92 .
16 This is such hard work that you may decide that it is n't worth the effort and abandon your attempt to acquire the skills in question .
17 Most of the letters are straightforward and written in plain English ; the type that you may spend bags of time perfecting — Have I said exactly the right thing ?
18 As the puppy gets older , he will want to go outside to the soiled piece of paper that you have positioned in a place that you may want him to use .
19 If this is a relevant factor , one point that you may be prepared to discuss during the consultation process is the possibility of taking a pay cut , either on a temporary or permanent basis .
20 An equally acceptable technique is to write in the blank spaces the reference to a textbook that you may like to consult later .
21 Advertising is such a complicated business that you may be able to assimilate it better if you have spent a few years " knocking-around " — travelling perhaps , or working in a shop or doing different kinds of jobs .
22 A business that you may never have considered yourself involved in ; publishing .
23 With a planned hospital stay you will have been told to prepare for the operation as best as you can , perhaps by losing some weight , discontinuing any medication that you may be taking , or attempting to stop smoking .
24 ‘ A discreet establishment that you may visit from time to time ? ’
25 Leave space in your suitcase for any duty-free items , presents , or works of art that you may buy while you are away .
26 Have you ever had a strong feeling that you may have lived before ?
27 But if you 're prepared to hold your horses a little until that final fence , I 've a feeling that you may well end up ahead of the rest of the field [ JH ]
28 Mortgage advice — how to arrange the money for your house purchase quickly and get the best bargain , without being sold a life assurance policy that you may not need
29 Can I just ask you if your position on the Daily Mirror is still that you 're not at all interested in it , or is there a prospect that you may change your mind when you 've seen the figures from the Mirror ?
30 a fixed-term contract for one year or more entered into from 1 October 1980 can include an agreement in writing by you to exclude any claim that you may have for unfair dismissal , where your dismissal consists only of the expiry of the term ;
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