Example sentences of "[noun sg] that his work " in BNC.

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1 The seriousness of Derrida 's intervention can be discerned from Foucault 's subsequent repudiation of the central thesis of Madness and Civilization and the change of direction that his work took thereafter .
2 Yet despite praise for the report and stated commitments to implement it , Sir Ronald still has no tangible evidence that his work had any useful purpose .
3 It is the belief that his work is making a difference to these people despite their appaling conditions that makes Neil MacDonald feel that his work for Oxfam is worthwhile .
4 The Führer 's claim that his work had been sabotaged for years , and that the German war machine could run at full stretch now that the last plot had been foiled , was seen to demonstrate that the people had long been lied to in earlier statements that time was on Germany 's side and war production increasing .
5 Derrida has sometimes been criticized for the generality of phrases such as ‘ the history of the West ’ or the claim that his work involves a critique of ‘ Western metaphysics ’ .
6 Now comes to the Embalmer the realisation that his work is not only of the greatest importance to his client ; to public health in the prevention of infection , but also to create a real attitude towards the job amongst his fellow workers that will mark his particular Funeral Service out from its competitors in the service it renders .
7 And , despite some tensions , generally social rather than musical and mostly on tours abroad , there is no doubt that his work with the orchestra helped revolutionize the whole idea of the conductor — orchestra relationship .
8 Edgar 's male chauvinism ( though this was a phrase not yet current ) and his expectation that his work was always , would always be of greater importance , than her own — these were aspects of their mutual dissatisfaction , no doubt , although both were , decades later , to concede that Edgar at this time was paying a high psychological price for having renounced his theatrical ambitions ( old Cambridge friends of his already had their names in lights in the West End , while he was a mere house officer ) and that Liz was still suffering from the trauma of confronting her mother with her total , final defection .
9 Mr Hughes should be judged not on this , then , but on the detail that his work throws up .
10 One of these areas was Russia , especially because the interest that his work had aroused there made him consider the previously unthinkable possibility of a communist revolution occurring in that country .
11 While he was careful not to give the impression to the Beavis family that his work was anything out of the ordinary , he nevertheless made sure it was not open to even the most casual glance .
12 This will be the first time that his work has come to Belfast and the two works he has chosen will show two of his greatest strengths — Shakespeare and the musical .
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