Example sentences of "[noun sg] he be say " in BNC.

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1 In a later interview he was to say of his poetry that " … in its sources , in its emotional springs , it comes from America " .
2 The European he was said to be the most fond of as Princess Maria Gabriella de Savoia , but her father , the former King Umberto of Italy , would have insisted on a Catholic wedding .
3 he said it 's like a spring like day he 's saying in the South East
4 Only the other day he was saying to me ‘ Tim it 's abart time I answered sum a them letters I ‘ ave pilin' up from poor folk as ‘ ave ‘ ad personal problems . ’
5 Well it 's funny because erm , when we saw Ken the other day he was saying that erm his niece rang him up and erm she 's er she 's gon na be in Crewe this weekend for a friend 's wedding and , I think she must be coming up with some , some other girl as well , because the two of them , he said , I 'm taking two young ladies out on Sunday for lunch where 's a good place for a Sunday lunch you see ?
6 Yeah , well he was , when he was littler his dad was sort of saying one day you 'll have all this then the next minute he was saying no you wo n't , you wo n't be having any of it do you know what I mean ?
7 On one occasion he is said to have decorated the whole of the College in three days after which he could still outlast anyone on the dance floor .
8 Last night he was said to be comfortable .
9 Mr Morton was rushed to Middlesbrough General Hospital 's burns unit where last night he was said to be comfortable ’ .
10 Last night he was said to be comfortable in the West Highland Hospital , Oban .
11 A very high earner ( he reputedly landed the first £1 million brief in English legal history ) , he does not lack exposure : he recently appeared in a Panorama debate on Europe and this week he was saying all the right things about Neil Kinnock .
12 Now , looking for guidance in his construction of a monumental figure composition , Picasso too turned to Cézanne , although he approached him , characteristically , not only with veneration ( later in life he was to say ‘ Cézanne was my one and only master ’ ) but also in a spirit of aggression , even of iconoclasm .
13 a word he 's saying !
14 ‘ And whatever his accent or his defects , I do n't suppose one of those blockheads making a jeer of him listened to a word he was saying . ’
15 He treated the mad redhead as though she were a fellow-spirit , and she responded , until the moment when she finally admitted she was incapable of understanding a word he was saying .
16 ‘ I could n't understand a word he was saying . ’
17 In a moment of careless intimacy he is said to have told Camilla Parker Bowles : ‘ I love you …
18 Before the burglary he was said to be in good health .
19 But on the other hand he is said to have posited a trio of practices , which fulfil the same function in his own account .
20 Well that 's a good idea , the thing , you see the thing is she says oh , we , I read anything , you know , buy anything , well I said well suppose you 've already got it , you know , it 's erm , and also we offered him some , some author 's names so he did n't like this , and he did n't want that , you see , so , erm , but , in one hand he 's saying buy me anything and the other hand he 's saying I do n't like this and I do n't like that
21 Well that 's a good idea , the thing , you see the thing is she says oh , we , I read anything , you know , buy anything , well I said well suppose you 've already got it , you know , it 's erm , and also we offered him some , some author 's names so he did n't like this , and he did n't want that , you see , so , erm , but , in one hand he 's saying buy me anything and the other hand he 's saying I do n't like this and I do n't like that
22 Yeah is , what you 're saying is that on the one hand he was saying right let's have absolute equality of distribution but at the same time he quite clear that peasants .
23 He said on the one hand he was agreeing with you , right that i it does n't matter how good a cyclist you are it 's the fucking car drivers , nine times out of ten , that cause the accidents on and then , on the other hand he was saying but I do n't see I I ca n't se ever see myself coming off you know , he 's fucking stupid !
24 Magnus is said to have led a blameless childhood and in the Longer Magnúss Saga he is said to have had a good schooling which enabled him to learn ‘ holy writings ’ .
25 Gloucester was to have the right to appoint his own deputy , an office he is said to have given to Sir John Huddleston .
26 Gloucester was to have the right to appoint his own deputy , an office he is said to have given to Sir John Huddleston .
27 I was yards away down the other end of the table , yearning to hear WHAT ON EARTH he was saying and suffering pangs of guilt that I spent so little time encouraging him to unburden himself to me .
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