Example sentences of "[noun sg] have made [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Parliament has made local planning authorities responsible for day-to-day planning control , including the determination of planning applications and the initiating of enforcement action .
2 In this connection it is worth noting that in another context , and in another part of the same Act , Parliament has made express provision for cases in which the suitability of particular accommodation is to be determined by the court in the course of ordinary litigation .
3 The advent of the computer has made possible the development of complex simulations of situations in human and regional geography .
4 The recession has made small practices particularly vulnerable , as they lose fee income through clients ' going out of business ; nor do they get paid for work in progress , says Ernst & Young insolvency practitioner Alan Lovett .
5 The University has made available a number of Hardship awards for students facing particular financial difficulties during the course of their studies .
6 The university has made clear that any funds raised from a sale will be used only for that purpose and not to clear its accumulated deficit , as originally intended .
7 Would it be better for employees and pensioners to elect equally high-powered trustees from the outside world as the equivalent of non-executive directors , of which the JS board has made full use for many years now ?
8 He wrote : ‘ This outcome is very disappointing , as the board has made considerable efforts on your behalf to get the proposals accepted .
9 The Bundesbank has made mock of Mrs Thatcher 's ‘ when the time is right ’ position .
10 But in the last 15 months , the Association has made tremendous progress . ’
11 The association has made repeated complaints to the Scottish Office , and to the administrators of the £55 million compensation funds .
12 Lazaroni 's opposite number , Azeglio Vicini , can call on an almost full-strength squad for a game in which he hopes Italy will prove his assertion that the side has made significant progress since being defeated by the Soviet Union in last summer 's European Championship semi-final .
13 As an alternative to damages , an account of profits may be available and this may be more advantageous to the plaintiff , especially if the defendant has made substantial profit from his use of the information .
14 Before discussing the effect which the judicature Acts have had in combining Law and Equity in one court , it will be convenient to note some of the branches of Law in which Equity has made important additions to the Common Law and done work which the Common Law could or did not do .
15 ‘ Since 1989 , the industry has made great strides in getting costs down and output up , and maintaining high standards of safety and environmental protection , ’ he said .
16 Our industry has made huge progress in providing the right equipment for each application .
17 But , as with the wealth of other experiments that matrix isolation has made possible , the drawbacks are insignificant compared with the value of the techniques as , sometimes , the only tool with which to examine the inner workings of chemical reactions .
18 Where the applicant has made repeated unsuccessful requests he may wish to know why he is not obtaining the licence .
19 Biblical scholarship has made enormous advances during the last forty years , aided immensely by the discovery of new primary sources , material unavailable to researchers in the past .
20 ( The cases all concern referees known as " valuers " , but the same difficulty could arise with experts if the umpire procedure were used for experts , which modern practice has made rare : see 9.8.2 . )
21 We are now producing our traditional ‘ Palatine Bitter ’ in large cans and 2-litre PET bottles suitable for the take-home trade , and our sales force has made encouraging progress in placing these on off-licence and supermarket shelves .
22 On May 17th it said that it would not decide whether to hear an appeal challenging California 's ‘ unitary tax ’ on multinational companies until the administration had made clear its views on the matter .
23 And suddenly he had a maenad in his arms , fighting him , screaming , striking at him , the tears running down her face which fear had made unrecognisable , pushing him away , and when he let her go , for very decency 's sake , because he saw no way to calm her unless he did , she sank on to the sofa , still sobbing and crying , her face hidden in a cushion , her whole body heaving and shaking .
24 Practice had made perfect : she hardly made a sound .
25 The employer 's business was supplying fresh chickens and it was alleged that the employee had made wrongful use of sales information such as customers ' names and addresses .
26 In addition , the number of convincing fakes and restored pieces in circulation have made new collectors wary .
27 The USGA have made clear their intention to crack down on slow play at Baltusrol and Langer believes he is not one of the worst offenders .
28 The Kennel Club have made clear their objection to a compulsory scheme based on tattooing or branding , a scheme favoured by many ( including over 80% of SHE readers ) .
29 His 1923 review of Ulysses ends by stating that a combination of psychology , ethnology , and Frazer 's Golden Bough has made possible a new method of artistic construction .
30 As the Select Committee has made serious allegations about interference in its important work , is not it worrying that it has taken quite so long to make any progress in dealing with its complaint ?
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