Example sentences of "[noun sg] have for [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is in its work on health and healing , the Board of Social Responsibility has for some years now been concerned with the provision of training conferences for ministers and others involved in this aspect of the church 's commission .
2 As the Potato Marketing Board has for many years worked successfully for the benefit of processors , consumers and producers , does he agree that any proposals to scrap the PMB should be strongly resisted ?
3 To this end , this association has for some years now made the data sheet compendium — written originally for doctors and pharmacists — available to public libraries and , on request , to individual members of the public .
4 The Revenue has for some time been concerned about what is done with the money .
5 While the Bakufu administration had for several decades been subject to criticisms from within its own ranks , a more serious threat to its supremacy emerged from within domains traditionally hostile to it .
6 In this sense , pluralism has for some become something of an Aunt Sally , to be knocked down through juxtaposing the idealised equal distribution of power assumed in pluralist theory with the actual inequalities in the distribution of power found in Western liberal democracies .
7 At the NOTTINGHAM PLAYHOUSE , stimulating repertoire enjoys international acclaim and the ALBERT HALL has for many years been a popular venue for classical concerts .
8 His pleasure at the escape had for some reason given way now to even more sadness in the presence of the eagles that were still caged , as if the escape of one had intensified the sense of imprisonment of the others .
9 A possible intervention of the King 's Proctor to upset the divorce had for some time been lurking in the Government 's mind .
10 Steelworkers in the public sector had for some time been in dispute with their employers , the British Steel Corporation , and had come out on strike .
11 What evidence does the hon. Lady have for that suggestion ?
12 The Open Spaces Society , which is by far our oldest environmental pressure body has for more than half a century been encouraging the continuance of the ancient practice of Beating the Bounds by parish and community councils and local groups .
13 The hon. Gentleman has for some time been against the original fast rail link through Kent and south London , and we have learnt tonight that he is against the current project , apparently because he believes that all British Rail 's money should be spent on saving his neck by improving the lousy commuter service that his constituents have had to tolerate for 13 years of Tory misrule — to use a well-known phrase from a couple of decades back .
14 In our diets , emphasis has for many years been laid on the intake of saturated fat as the major danger factor , but this is certainly not the whole explanation .
15 Cobham Fellowship have for several years run two week , one month or one year training for future leaders .
16 But three years later on 27 July 1795 the new head of the Macclesfield company , Abraham Mills , wrote to the new agent Thomas Harrison of Kendal , advising him , alas , that " … the Coniston Mine has for some time been so unproductive that it has been determined to discontinue the working … "
17 They have considered the subjects shown on the plan of an industrial system and decided what advantages the area has for each , as shown on the map .
18 Perhaps for this reason the law in several areas of censorship has for many years remained quietly in the background , yet with an extensive array of legislation to be respected and always at its disposal .
19 Moreover I can reveal that the findings of the Committee were certainly not those indicated in this letter ; we found that Derry Corporation had for many years been carrying out a policy of anti-Rome Catholic discrimination in employment and rigid segregation in housing .
20 Because of pressure from many different lobbies , government has for some time been considering in what way to respond to it .
21 The government has for some time known that this site would be available , yet from the announcement of the project to the Minister 's stated deadline for consultation is 8 months , including the summer months .
22 But the word romance has for most people the immediate association of love and , in the main , of heterosexual love .
23 Late in life he married a member of the Wilkinson family ( whose firm had for many years been solicitors to the College ) .
24 The government 's own team have recognised that morale in teaching is low and that the position this year is significantly worse than last , yet the government have for this year ignored the findings of that particular report and it 's all tied up with the whole issue of pay , workload etc ..
25 Figure 3.1 offers a possible starting-point for explaining why science has for many people ruled out religion .
26 Germany 's biggest tyre company and the second largest in Europe , Continental has for more than a century been world leaders in tyre design and technology
27 Scholars in this field had for some time been engaged in a debate over the importance of acquired and inherited personality traits in behaviour .
28 As it was , the chantry duties of the guilds had been in steady decline since the early fifteenth century , so that by 1547 the majority had for many years been looked upon as burial societies .
29 Experience in the United States of America , where legislative history has for many years been much more generally admissible than I am now suggesting , shows how important it is to maintain strict control over the use of such material .
30 David Beskine of the RA said ‘ This is not private land but open moorland over which the public has for many years had a right to roam .
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