Example sentences of "[noun sg] have for years " in BNC.

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1 Even so , initially , with the formation of a new Anti-Slavery Society in 1823 ( the African Institution had for years primarily acted on the international slave trade ) , there was no major break in abolitionist ideological assumptions .
2 The England football management has for years moaned that there are no longer any easy matches , and England 's cricketers learned this salutary lesson against Sri Lanka .
3 The errors of this motley crew have for years been apparent in the Athena , Barclay 's , Hunting Group , Littlewoods , John Player , BP , Overseas League , NEAC , the R.A. , and no doubt , many other prizes and awards .
4 The health authority has for years not shown any signs of so doing , I have to say .
5 THE Meadows Orchestra has for years had an excellent reputation for presenting interesting programmes at a very high level of performance .
6 What if the man had for years been an opera singer in England — it was a chillul hashem , a profanation of the Divine Name , to mix operatic arias in with the traditional sacred melodies .
7 This Vitamin A derivative had for years been prescribed to acne sufferers , but it was not until the mid-Eighties that reports began to filter through from the States about its miraculous ability to smooth out wrinkles caused by exposure to the sun — a process known as photo-ageing .
8 The West and the Soviet Union have for years , with the enthusiastic help of local rulers made the entire region one of catastrophically high expenditure on arms .
9 In a market where the high street banks ' advertising has for years been devoted to trying to humanize an essentially depressing sub-retail experience , the campaign was , to say the least , refreshingly different .
10 It is usually noticeable that when a masochist has for years felt hard done by , often over-controlled by their partner , and then for some reason the tables are turned , he or she metes out punishment as if this has to go on for the same length of time that the masochist 's suffering was endured .
11 the worst garden had for years !
12 Some colleges already undertake their own training of senior management staff and the Further Education Staff College at Coombe Lodge has for years been catering at the national level for the management needs of senior staff by providing residential conferences and workshops , most of which are over-subscribed .
13 This fertility , according to Nigel , was due to the miller 's no doubt having for years , when clearing the millpond of silt , put it straight on the land , nothing being more nutritious .
14 But will the arrival of the BAF make a discernible difference to the lot of road runners , many of whom feel that structures and attitudes within athletics have for years worked against the interests of road runners at all levels ?
15 Yet this same champion of free speech has for years refused to hold a press conference after matches .
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