Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But since reorganization it 's become much more diverse and we 're expected to do a lot more different things . ’
2 In the exile it was decreed that circumcision was to be the official rite of initiation into Judaism and all that that now meant .
3 The formation of the Napier Debating Society has , unfortunately , progressed slowly ; however , with the changeover in Sabbatical Officers of the Napier Students Association it is hoped that the Society will be able to start a recruitment drive in Fresher 's Week of academic year 1993/94 .
4 In practice , this provided a shield behind which those whose intention it was to distribute material generally were able to disguise their activities .
5 In such circumstances , if the Bank wishes to sell the stock it is holding over a reasonable time period , it will often be unable to avoid reducing its price .
6 If this was delusion it was given a sense of realism in the immediate post-war world through the UK economy being clearly stronger than the economies of either Europe or Japan [ Barnett , 1972 ; Maddison , 1984 ] .
7 The Times commented : As a constitutional experiment it is finished .
8 In one scientific experiment it was found that a daily increase of log of dietary fibre , by the addition of more fruit , vegetables and wholemeal bread to an ordinary Western diet , increased the number of calories excreted in a bowel movement by nearly go .
9 In the experiment it was found that all three methods produced results that were better than random selection — but the domain specific methods were far superior to the domain-general method ( DG was 27% better than chance , the DS methods both roughly twice as good as chance ) .
10 Give too much and it may bring about the very conditions it is capable of curing ; ‘ Through the like , disease is produced and through the application of the like it is cured ’ , said Hippocrates over 2000 years ago .
11 Shows what a boost it was having you here . ’
12 The castle had not been properly maintained for many years and after the auction it was allowed to crumble .
13 When I regained consciousness it was to find that I 'd injured my spine and the doctor had ordered that I was to stay put , otherwise there was the possibility that I 'd end up a cripple .
14 But with football it is going to be different .
15 As there was no meeting of minds to the interpretation of the Labour Court Recommendation it was agreed that both the Banks and IBOA should revert to the parties who sought the clarification of the Labour Court Recommendation i.e. Kevin Duffy of Irish Congress of Trade Unions and Turlough O'Sullivan of I.B.E.C. ( formerly FIE ) .
16 As an extra bonus it was blessed by a monk from the local Prinknash Abbey .
17 Having relatives in England was not always the bonus it was made out to be .
18 I am 17 years old and I know many people who enjoy ‘ real ’ traditional music — no matter what speed it is played at , or how loud it is .
19 ‘ Within the next eight hours , but the speed it 's travelling it could be sooner . ’
20 Details of the exact nature of the writing tested , such as the size of the script , the quality of script , the speed it was written , the pen type , tablet resolution and so on are often sadly lacking in research papers .
21 On behalf of the defendant it was argued that some limitation had to be placed on the word " practice " and the natural and proper limitation was to imply the words " as medical practitioners " .
22 Alpha Microsystems has written off its Italian and French subsidiaries and will be closing them soon , citing poor margins and continuous losses : as a result it 's taking a non-recurring charge in the second quarter , ended August 30 , and posting net losses of $3m , or 99 cents a share , on sales of $12.9m , up 9% .
23 As a result it is argued , the rate of inflation could be reduced that much more rapidly and unemployment rise that much less .
24 As a result it is overwhelmed by a mass of material that defies useful analysis and , to make matters worse , unlike the West does not have access to unlimited computer capacity .
25 As a result it was accepted by the 1630s that English colonies could take most decisions for themselves , and this meant they developed the institutions which , over the course of time , grew in a way that enabled them to become self-governing and then independent by stages which could be so small as sometimes to be imperceptible .
26 As a result it was cut down .
27 As a er result it was agreed to give the larger share of new subscription to Institutes , in actual fact Institutes received an increase of twenty nine point sixty two per cent .
28 As a result it was held that the sellers ' right to repossess the goods did not arise until the expiry of the credit period allowed by the terms .
29 Mrs Maugham would often abuse this garden and the widower 's laziness , with a self-righteous , alarming complacency , saying that it was a scandal and a disgrace , and that it ought not to be allowed : and when one day Clara , exasperated , as she sometimes rashly was , out of her usual silence , asked her what harm it was doing anybody , Mrs Maugham had snapped triumphantly that it was harming everybody in the street , because it helped the weeds to spread .
30 We 've spent years examining the Bridge systems , but for all the good it 's done us we might have been blowing bubbles .
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