Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [Wh det] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps we should consider publishing details of the many failures in Conservative councils throughout the country , and not least in the borough in which this House is situated which , while exporting its homeless to other authorities , appears to be guilty of the illegal sale of houses that were not its to sell in the first place .
2 And after his death it seemed to her that she had walked in darkness like an automaton through a deep and narrow canyon of grief in which all her energies , all her physical strength , had been husbanded to get through each day .
3 In June , after a bloody episode in which both Basrah and nearby Khorramshahr received ferocious hammerings , the United Nations mediated a joint undertaking to abstain from civilian targets .
4 We observed one very tense episode in which some panel members believed that in the act of creation the panel had been granted independence from the coordinating committee .
5 He introduced an optional tariff in which all night units were cheaper , and persuaded manufacturers to produce night storage heaters , though this night tariff was not widely promoted and was used by shops and offices rather than by domestic consumers initially .
6 Evidence for a form of context-specificity came from a final test stage of the experiment in which all the subjects experience the CS again in the original context ( A ) .
7 Any sample for which a single section gave positive amplification for the IS 6110 primers in an experiment in which all negative controls in the batch were negative was recorded as presumptive positive for M tuberculosis complex DNA .
8 The manoeuvrability of the leopard stance : the student can , by use of deft footwork in which all the weight is centred on the back leg , spring forwards , backwards and sideways to defend against attack from any angle .
9 a font in which all characters occupy the same amount of horizontal width regardless of the character .
10 The concern culminated in the publication in 1929 by the Lord Chief Justice , Lord Hewart , of his book The New Despotism in which these arguments and the theme that arbitrary power was being concentrated in the hands of the bureaucracy were elaborated .
11 Doing , experiencing , discussing , taking part , sharing … the hopeful parent would surely welcome schooldays for their children based upon a programme in which these elements enjoy a central part .
12 This expansion of the mind is one of the true joys of life ; and it entails the escape from the narrow cell of the self and the arrival in the all-enveloping and limitless mind in which all things are contained , not as aliens , but as part of the whole of life .
13 The universe was reduced to a system of chaos and confusion in which all things must struggle to survive .
14 Composite payment — common paynote in which all members share equally , comprising shift-rate covering all work done , plus bonus based on coal produced .
15 An intersection does not indicate that a clash occurs but establishes the only region of uncertainty in which all possible clashes could occur .
16 But there are numerous instances which come to my mind of research in which all the problems of analysis were left until the survey had been done and then anything up to , or even over , a year was needed to sort out the tangled mass of answers to vague questions .
17 The Cambridge based project forms the ‘ umbrella ’ to wider collaborative research in which several independently financed groups will work in other countries using a similar methodology to address the same issues .
18 With this warning the reader is introduced to the final section of this chapter in which some of the approaches to the analysis of the distribution curves and the abstracted measures are outlined .
19 Throughout the nineteenth century , the Newtonian paradigm was governed by an assumption something like , ‘ The whole of the physical world is to be explained as a mechanical system operating under the influence of various forces according to the dictates of Newton 's laws of motion ’ , and the Cartesian programme in the seventeenth century involved the principle , ‘ There is no void and the physical universe is a big clockwork in which all forces take the form of a push ’ .
20 In practice , we should find that any conversational fragment will exhibit patterns of talk in which both ‘ speaking topically ’ and ‘ speaking on a topic ’ are present .
21 We do not disagree that the financial health of the NHS requires attention , but it is also true that the NHS is caught in a gridlock of unevaluated and inefficient practice in which most major policy decisions are still left to individual clinicians ; this situation requires urgent attention .
22 Richard Layzell Dancing on the Mountain , a new , humorous performance piece in which this seasoned performance-artist choreographs a range of characters .
23 It would , of course , be possible to establish a setting in which such a sequence of events would be plausible , but , if no such setting is established , the reader will assume a local interpretation in respect of time , place and participants .
24 It is important to understand this context of Paul 's teaching , for a deep understanding of the adequacy of Christ is the setting in which these relationships are meant to function and grow .
25 Since the Emperor wished to retain ultimate control of foreign policy in his own hands , he was able to meet other European sovereigns in a suitable setting in which both parties could feel at ease .
26 This leads to a ‘ bandwagon ’ or ‘ follow-the-leader ’ effect in which many firms invest in the same markets at roughly the same time ( Knickerbocker , 1973 ; Graham , 1990 ) .
27 Davis went on to say , ‘ Chemical Engineering deals with the construction of plants … for the utilization of chemical reactions on the large scale without in any way specifying the industry in which such plants are to be used . ’
28 The situation was rapidly heading towards the ultimate confrontation in which neither side could back down .
29 This drama is often now confused with , or even rendered back to , types of religious ritual in which some of its elements indeed originated .
30 Figure 6.6(a) shows the population structure of Peru in 1983 in the form of a population pyramid in which each of the rows represents a 10-year age-group with the lowest row representing the youngest age-group .
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