Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [noun pl] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 But besides unintentional incorrect reporting in newspapers there is also the problem of bias , much of which may emanate from the political stance taken by a newspaper in an uncensored society .
2 In some specimens the apical papilla may not be distinct while in others there are 1 or 2 large , pointed papillae ; these are flanked by up to 6 flat , pointed or sometimes scale-like oral papillae .
3 And his thinking is indeed knowingly premised on the assumption that in the complete absence of change in conditions there would be no changes in organization ; so that whatever different changes in organization have occurred in the many lines descending from some common stock are due to differences in the conditions in those lines .
4 Geographically separate stocks of some species are recognized , for example in walruses there is an Atlantic stock spread between Hudson Bay and the Barents Sea , and a Pacific stock found in the Bering , Chukchi , East Siberian and Laptev seas .
5 When treating illness in children there are two very good signs that you have hit on the correct remedy : firstly , if the child vomits shortly after having the remedy , assuming he was not already vomiting all the time !
6 Right , here are the distance time graphs of two walkers , there 's the time in seconds there 's the distance in metres
7 For the first time in weeks there was no mass of English soldiery on the terrace area , nor in the other visible encampments , although the tentage was still there , only a few enemy troops remaining between castle and town .
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