Example sentences of "[noun sg] and get [art] " in BNC.

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1 The girl smiled shyly up at the big man behind the wheel and got a friendly grin in return .
2 I mentioned to Ewen that I still had some ( I told him 10 , but it appears to be only 8 ) copies left of GGE , and yesterday I approached Bargain Books on Princes Street , where I see they 're selling it for £6 , in the hope that I might add my copies to their stock and get a cheque for you .
3 Those authorities that indulged in competitive tendering and got the jobs done more quickly were able to expand the level of services and reduce the cost to the charge payer .
4 David Meadapproaches warp speed and gets the ( final ) frontier spirit …
5 Authorative first crime novel from a woman so obsessed with violent crime that she gave up crime reporting and got a job in the morgue
6 Losing Betty Boo and getting The Sultans Of Ping FC is not what I call a good deal .
7 Examples of this include displaying too much information on a screen , poor layout of data , meaningless code words , frustrating " error messages " and unpredictable response times between entering a command and getting a response .
8 Of course , you can achieve variations on this basic form , if only by having a second murder and getting a shape rather like a violin .
9 ‘ They could break the seal and get the urine from the person they wanted and put on a seal that anyone can order .
10 However it ca n't just be bolted on to the tractor , and Mr Tomlinson had to spend further hours in the workshop matching it to the tractor 's backend and getting the gearing right .
11 They live hand to mouth and get no pension or help off the state .
12 Er they supported me and canvassed for me when I was putting up , but I ca n't see them going , whereas I can remember the erm the when I was a child going to the , we used to have a fete and it was a politically , I ca n't remember exactly what it would be called , but I know mother and the Guild were always there making the tea and got a stall and they were always in the forefront and they 'd always got their rosettes on .
13 In the light of what surely must be a changed forecast , will the right hon. Gentleman review his hostility so far to careful public expenditure designed to create infrastructure improvements for the future and to get the economy moving ?
14 If you hit your stride and get a rhythm going , you may feel comfortable going on a little longer than the minimum times .
15 I must go up onto t'moor and get the sheep down before they get buried . ’
16 Recent Conservative governments have stressed a greater concern with commitment to putting policies into practice and getting the job done .
17 Tell George to pick up that car and get the hell out . ’
18 He breaks up with Michael and I go round cu , I I 'll give them the car and get the amplifier , and he goes what amplifier ?
19 They hardly expected to see the BMW waiting for them at the dockside , but after they had parked the car and got the ticket , they began to look at their watches , and each other .
20 ‘ This lets you kick into the snow and get a grip unlike summer boots or bendy-sole boots . ’
21 and I was better qualified than a lot of guys in my class and yet they left college and got a job right away !
22 Subscribe to COMMODORE FORCE and get an excellent Quick Shot Joystick …
23 Nip and get an ordinary jelly .
24 Of course , insiders are well aware of the drama which surrounds interrogation and do not need to be reminded or really welcome such information being made public , for as a detective colleague pointed out after reading Irving 's paper , ‘ if we do n't use fear , force , fraud or the promise , how do they think we are going to clear up the crime and get the coughs the system needs to survive ? ’
25 James Brown when receiving our first album ‘ Box Frenzy ’ — ‘ I was expecting the first Clash album and got the third Sham 69 album ’ — which we thought was a bit of a compliment .
26 In many respects , we all regret that , because we had all hoped that , one day , the Government would see the light and get the balance right when distributing rights , freedoms and responsibilities .
27 biography and got a real
28 On hearing from a parent that : something was going on in terms of a library project , he proceeded to put everything into action and got the support of the governing body … saying that we wanted to do something with our library .
29 Erm it 's not no , the little ones are , cos them going to be three quarters and it 's got a full skirt with a , an over panel , and she 's got frills in the back of her skirt and got an over panel over it , ca n't describe it , it is pretty , and the neck is just slightly on the edge of the shoulder , got a frill and no sleeves , and the little ones got puff sleeves and high neck .
30 We may be handling a horse and get a feeling that we are in tune with the horse and that it is accepting and even anticipating whatever we want to do : we are in rapport with the horse , and are communicating with the horse but in a way that is not through the other senses .
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