Example sentences of "[noun sg] and for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 What , if any , additional accounts need to be opened in the second year to cope with the fact that the business is now a partnership and for what reason are they needed ?
2 These days the word ‘ tourist ’ is generally associated with the package holiday-maker who follows a known itinerary and for whom all the arrangements are made by a travel company .
3 For some skin conditions , such as eczema-related spots , doctors may prescribe a tar shampoo , and this can be very effective , both for scalp flakiness and for your skin .
4 This is a condition brought about by the combined effect of evolution and civilisation and for everyone it is quite unavoidable .
5 During Hart 's time the responsibilities of the customs had been concerned only with the collection of duties and the prevention of smuggling ; Chinese officials were responsible for banking the revenue and for its use in the service of loans and other financial obligations to foreign governments for which it was security .
6 That was all set out in the recent Security Council resolution to which I referred in my reply and for which we voted .
7 He was a remarkable soldier and for his pains was given a domain at Jičín ( where he re-planned the town ) , the dukedom of Friedland and the duchy of Mecklenburg .
8 It demonstrated the excesses that are possible in the present climate of confusion and for which the chief public prosecutor has apologised .
9 It demonstrated the excesses that are possible in the present climate of confusion and for which the chief public prosecutor has apologised .
10 He was paid for that seal and for his unrivalled knowledge .
11 take proceedings at its own expense and for its own benefit , but in your name , or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy , to recover any payment it has made under this policy
12 take proceedings at its own expense and for its own benefit , but in your name , or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy , to recover any payment it has made under this policy
13 take proceedings at our own expense and for our own benefit to recover any payment we have made under this policy .
14 take proceedings at our own expense and for our own benefit to recover any payment we have made under this policy .
15 take proceedings at our own expense and for our own benefit to recover any payment we have made under this policy .
16 take proceedings at our own expense and for our own benefit to recover any payment we have made under this policy .
17 The first few times , the pup gets his food for free to demonstrate to him that people are nice , but after a few treats he has to sit for his stranger and for his supper .
18 As was the custom , such applicants were expected to do some work in exchange for shelter in the sleeping cell and for their food , and such work was at the discretion of the labour master .
19 So it was that Henry Smith , who during his lifetime had been famous for avoiding any kind of malicious gossip and for his ability to reconcile opposing factions , was , after his death , at the centre of an international controversy .
20 Under Article 26 a State may , if required to do so because of constitutional limitations ( and on the basis of reciprocity ) , request reimbursement by the requesting State of fees and costs for the service of process on an unwilling witness and for his attendance , and for transcripts or evidence .
21 He 'll have been for his interview and for his wages in Calper today .
22 anyway he walked , he was only away about twenty minutes you know he wanted to get the car and for me to drive I thought well er
23 Books submitted will be assessed both for their scholarship and for their accessibility to the general reader .
24 Rhys 's five-year-old sister Charly also has the condition and for her it is too late .
25 Rhys 's five-year-old sister Charly also has the condition and for her it is too late .
26 Having no qualifications I launched into a career as a journalist and for my health it became downhill all the way .
27 By that age , 51% have been promoted out of clerical work and for them it is merely a stepping-stone to a higher status non-manual job .
28 Toulouse-Lautrec is one of France 's most popular and fascinating artists both for his work and for his lifestyle and acquaintances .
29 His son , Isambard Kingdom Brunel , is famous for his railway work and for his ships .
30 Mr Cubbage was like a cat on hot bricks , he was most distraught at Coleen 's decision to go to England , and he bombarded her with letters and flowers ; he could not wait for her return and for her to say the one word that would make her his wife .
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