Example sentences of "[noun sg] and i had " in BNC.

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1 I think he laid a joker card and I had a hand card up , so he had to do a kiss my hand .
2 ‘ I 'm no use to anyone in football and I had better get out , ’ he said .
3 It was a sudden , painless collapse and I had no chance to do anything .
4 A. T. I was posted to D Division , Scotland Road , night duty round Great Howard Street leading to the Northern Hospital by the big tobacco warehouse and I had to patrol round there and along one street , up the next , down Dixon Street , up the next , down Regent Street — downdo , updo , updo , downdo all the time , trying shop doorways and all the locks .
5 One of these blows actually ricked my neck and I had to lie on the floor beneath the table until it was okay to come up again .
6 ‘ He left it all to me to sort out with the planning department and I had to plead that we 'd lose him altogether if we made a problem . ’
7 That 's right , it 's just that I worked , I think , yesterday I could n't get into erm , I just could n't get into and yesterday I must admit I felt really rough and erm , I thought at three o'clock I was going to have to ring Iris , cos I knew you were still out you see and at three o'clock I thought I was going to have to ring Iris er just to come in cos I ca n't like your head was my stomach was churning over , it was n't till , soon as I get some food in front of me oh I get , you see I did n't feel too cracking in the morning and I thought well there 's lots of stomach bugs going about and I thought well I 'm having one of them , and I did n't know what I fancied for lunch and I cooked the kiddies theirs , they had fish and what have you , and erm , I thought well what can I have , I thought I what , I thought I got a little tin of salmon there , so I thought right I 'll have a salmon sandwich and I had that and believe me I felt , by three o'clock I could see myself picking me up off the floor , I only got spots before my eyes as such , but , I just had , I had four , five cups of water , I did n't drink any tea , and I wish then , well I do n't know whether I could have felt any worse when I had the sandwich or not to be honest .
8 I DO N'T relish the prospect of being skinned alive on Parliament Green if the Prime Minister was to win by one vote and I had abstained .
9 Of course , at the time I was a punk and I had all this blue hair and everything and he must have thought , ‘ My God , who is this strange girl ? ’
10 I really did n't intend to join this regiment , in fact I was making efforts to rejoin the Yeomanry , who are out here [ his former regiment had landed in Algeria as part of the 6th Armoured Division in the First Army and had supported the 1st Guards Brigade in the battle for Tunis ] , but the C.O. of this regiment chose me by interview and I had to go , being only a very small cog in the wheels of war .
11 I was an electrician , doing house wiring and things like that in the fifties , and then my lover and I had a greengrocer 's shop with another gay man .
12 I was like one , I was like half way through the tape and I had , I only had one name to go
13 They were reading it down the tape and I had to tape it all .
14 I came up with a lot of very hard guitar parts for this album and I had to practise the hell out of them so I could pull them off .
15 I remembered a night by the river when daylight faded , darkness fell and the moon rose at once with a new light and I had thought I understood everything and that everything was good .
16 Books were a jumble and I had no notion of discriminating between them .
17 Michael : It 's about sportsman and when he was seven he was a good football player and then when I was about ten or eleven I went swimming and then when I was about eleven I dived in without any — urn — with no water in the pool so I got eye-sighted and then , when I was about fourteen it was I played snooker and I had to do the strokes really good because I was eye-sighted .
18 So I pulled to the side and I had n't changed a tyre for a long time , but I got the jack out of the back and started to jack the car up , and while I was doing it , these two ladies went , ‘ Ah , it 's Sting ’ .
19 This put all other thoughts to one side and I had no time to worry about the captain .
20 Used to go down , well I used to be down every night , rubbing the salt in this , to make the bacon and I had a smokehouse down the yard where I used to smoke the bacon .
21 Thing is I had some wool and I had the thing .
22 Then she flew on to a high window-sill and I had to ask the headmaster to bring me a ladder so that I could bring her down .
23 My chest felt icy cold and I had difficulty in breathing .
24 So I thought , in my wisdom I thought , there was easier way than that , wh at one bar and I had one rope come under the draw bar with a tow bar , so I said right one bit of rope , one bar , so all the docker got ta do now is take the bar out , take the rope off , that was alright and you could stow 'em on the , on the deck .
25 You see there 'd been the nineteen fourteen eighteen War , then there 'd there was the strike , and er I started to work and I had to go to work .
26 And then on Thursday I went in to work and I had had enough .
27 I had seen him once before when he had waved to me from an upper window and I had waved back .
28 We had had our school trial in the concrete playground and I had made the team ; so here I was , complete with black Curtis plimsolls ( I had had to ask my Mum to buy me a pair ) and white ‘ Alf Ramsey ’ shorts .
29 I do n't think anybody could see me behind the bouquet and I had trouble finding the keyhole .
30 When I reached the pit bottom , there was approximately three feet of water at the pit bottom and I had my first experience of water in the mines .
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