Example sentences of "[noun sg] and i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 doing about sixty and I felt a twitch in the wheel and I thought shit !
2 There 's a pattern to their thinking and I feel as if I 'm beginning to discern it .
3 Very pleased to have yours and as I said in my last it 's your money , God has been very kind to you and you must n't fly up in the face of his kindness and I wish you had not taken this step , your Uncle Steve says property 's more trouble than it 's worth .
4 Tony Visconti : ‘ When David and Angela found the enormous Victorian house , Haddon Hall , in Beckenham , my girlfriend and I went along to see it and we loved it .
5 My girlfriend and I laughed like drains .
6 My girlfriend and I shouted and screamed our denials , but they would n't believe us .
7 ‘ My girlfriend and I have talked about sex seriously , ’ says Steven , who is planning to go to college to study mechanics .
8 ‘ My girlfriend and I have also talked about contraception I would not be embarrassed to buy condoms .
9 No listen , listen you 've got ta listen to this my girlfriend and I have sex whenever we can and really enjoy it oral sex but we have heard that sexually transmitted diseases can be passed on by drinking each other 's juices from oral sex , is this true ?
10 I think he laid a joker card and I had a hand card up , so he had to do a kiss my hand .
11 I think I could survive on my own in New York if I had a credit card and I found a nice hotel like Kevin .
12 Had n't got one upstairs , had n't a card , so I went out sa we 've been out this afternoon , and I get this card and I think , oh yes , now that 's pretty !
13 We shook hands on the deal and I grabbed the handles and began to push my first cock sparrow back over the bridge towards the Whitechapel Road .
14 ‘ But the thing about Robbo is that he is a determined beggar and I know that if I ask him , he will say OK if he 's ready .
15 Well , I , I 'd say one thing by illustration from our own situation er we were transferring bulk and I felt that was singularly unfair because the members were given a choice .
16 It 's her ring and I bought her that scarf . ’
17 The underground economy in every socialist state , however , has always been resolutely capitalist , and so my friend Kurowski and I have come here tonight to find out how the world 's oldest profession is adjusting to the new economic realities .
18 and , and after it I 've got erm a digger and I 've got daddy tools , what tools do you want ? ,
19 We knocked them out of their rhythm and never allowed them to settle or sustain any momentum and I felt their frustrations were beginning to surface .
20 Ward 's voice smashed into my consciousness and I slammed on the brakes .
21 Asked by police what had happened , Mr Graham said : ‘ He attacked me with a hammer and I stabbed him . ’
22 On another occasion , she wrote : ‘ We were in the bedroom and I said to mother : ‘ What is that ? ’ , referring to an overmantel mirror .
23 Usually I start in my bedroom and I like to get to the top of the stairs by the baby 's lunchtime , and then I stop and give them lunch and then I carry on and get on quite well .
24 I started to walk a way out of the main bedroom and I heard P C say words to the effect of get down and I turned round to see what was going on and the man was trying to roll over to get up or that 's what I thought , erm not kicking or or fighting or anything but just to me it looked as though he was going to get up and I went back and with my hands just pushed down onto him and said stay there , it will all be explained er and then walked away .
25 ‘ I play football and I like watching it .
26 This somehow led to a discussion on local football and I discovered that there were eleven fit men and true down at the Kingdom Hall .
27 ‘ I 'm no use to anyone in football and I had better get out , ’ he said .
28 I always find I say to Kim you know I mean you have all these you know it 's like Shaun 's giving up he 's giving up his karate and his football and I said well you know I 'm sorry but she should n't have let him .
29 ‘ I like the physical aspect of British football and I feel my game is suited to the Premier League . ’
30 I like football and I find all the other views I 've heard all a bit negative !
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