Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [subord] he " in BNC.

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31 Michael : It 's about sportsman and when he was seven he was a good football player and then when I was about ten or eleven I went swimming and then when I was about eleven I dived in without any — urn — with no water in the pool so I got eye-sighted and then , when I was about fourteen it was I played snooker and I had to do the strokes really good because I was eye-sighted .
32 Len was silent for a moment then he gave a huge sigh and when he spoke again there was a note of hopelessness in his voice and no sign of the bravado he had shown only moments earlier .
33 As he made for the door he heard the phone ringing in the hall and when he entered he saw Joe turn from the telephone table towards him , saying , ‘ It 's for you , Martin .
34 He was stripped to the waist and as he jogged along between the shafts a few coins — obviously his meagre earnings for the day — jingled pathetically in a leather pouch fastened to the back of his belt .
35 The thought of his wife jarred him guiltily out of his fantasy and when he glanced up Karen was smiling at him .
36 I am most suspicious of Chris Lewis , who is still a dreadfully inconsistent performer and if he fails at Lord 's , I would bring in another all-rounder .
37 He reached for the telephone and when he was connected spoke down it briskly in German .
38 He thought it was me , and he put on a bit of a spurt and as he went by I tripped him up . ’
39 being of course , is first of all find your home and while he was n't in a home he was driving the neighbours mad because he 's beginning to get confused and wander about and maintain that he has n't had his dinner when two people have already taken him in lunch , you know and the other problem is erm er er having found him a very nice home , he did n't want to go !
40 He had been visiting her home and when he left he had slipped in the yard , et cetera .
41 He had his mandate , he was truly his own boss and if he wanted to sleep , he would .
42 Thus Lord Bridge 's guiding principle could properly be expanded to read ‘ one looks to see what the taxpayer has done to earn the profit in question and where he has done it . ’
43 ‘ I 'd always seen what it was like — going on location with my dad , having money and not having money , seeing when Dad was a hit and when he was n't a hit .
44 Unless the contract is frustrated , the seller will still have to carry out the contract and if he delivers goods which do not comply with it , he will be in breach of contract .
45 It is like the Buddhist priest who went to nirvana and when he returned , the world had changed into nirvana .
46 He flicked back the cuff of his jacket to glance at his watch and as he did so he saw that he was still carrying Maidstone 's hat .
47 He went back to the shaving mirror to comb his hair and when he had finished he pushed a folded handkerchief into his sleeve with quiet satisfaction .
48 I appreciate that sir , but you may feel at the end of the day that you need to hear conducts from the case and if he is still present obviously whatever the court wishes to do .
49 He has now finished sparring for the big fight and when he 's not out running he spends most of his spare time with his birds .
50 Zeta 's Lad , who has won five chases in a row this season , certainly looks the part and although he is no ‘ good thing ’ I feel he has the form to win the race given a clear round .
51 Now er they were having a concert and I think was the principal part and when he went to have his fee he said , Oh no you can send it to the Blaenau Ffestiniog .
52 During the interview , MacKie was asked to explain why nearly two million Shanks & McEwan shares had been sold with ‘ indecent haste ’ , after a meeting with the company 's chairman and if he had been told that Shanks & McEwan were going to issue a profits warning to the stock market .
53 I want to get one thing straight before this conversation finally goes down the drain and before he orders liqueurs . ’
54 A Mr Ross from Leominster , who owned a shoe shop in Bishop 's Castle , was a keen cine photographer and when he came to Bishop 's Castle ( by train ) he was in the habit of taking film of the railway , but the family moved away to the South Coast , after selling the business , and to date we have not been able to trace the family or film .
55 He would have graduated from sweeping the floor , running errands and being a " reading boy " in his first two years , to distributing type and learning the case , then to typesetting and if he was lucky to making up and imposition , though rarely to the refinements of display work .
56 If he , if he could n't do anything then he would accept it and not do it and then try a bit and if he had to go back to bed .
57 We got it there or thereabouts for sales executives right ? the area development exec job but we did n't get it right we were two grand adrift quite clearly demonstrable evidence that we were two grand adrift on that pay and I 've asked now to agree to upping the pay level and if he does we might get some decent people and then we worry about the ramifications of that afterwards , yeah ?
58 He raised his game to another level and when he plays his best , he 's a really tough player to beat .
59 Well it was on the settee and cos he had his blue hat on .
60 I hope he scores a try and if he keeps his place for the Five Nations at my expense , good luck to him . ’
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