Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [v-ing] down " in BNC.

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1 For one mad moment he thought of climbing out of the seat and sliding down a girder to safety : ‘ No , you berk , they only do that in films ! ’
2 ‘ I knew because it 's got a band of those black and white checks across the bonnet and the roof and running down the back .
3 You could no longer do the things I 'd taken for granted , like making a cup of tea and sitting down for a gossip when I came in from college .
4 ‘ I usually only scrub the front tyre when I get into a turn too hot but this is how it goes : You 're in fourth gear and jetting down to this U-turn .
5 I ran and ran , jumping off a dune and rolling down its seaward face , watching the tiny struggling figure being hoisted farther and farther into the sky as the kite swept her away .
6 And Marigot Bay undoubtedly fell into the former category , she reflected , sipping more orange juice and letting the zingy citrus sweetness slither cold and reviving down her throat .
7 And when the satin had been recovered and she had found — after a painful , dry-mouthed fortnight of dosing herself with cheap gin and jumping down the cellar steps whenever Odette was not looking — that she was , miraculously , not pregnant , she had believed her luck to be on the turn .
8 This is just next door to his old address at No 76 , where he managed to evade a High Court Deputy Tipstaff last week after a tip-off from the landlord , apparently by climbing through a back window and shinning down a drainpipe .
9 Once you have lists where you are confident that you are hearing the tone correctly , these can then be used as drills following the same procedure as before , i.e. listening and mimicking down and across the lists : It is by no means always possible to find a high frame preceding the place of substitution .
10 In former times George 's Lane , starting close by the church , toll-house and former inn and running down to the river , was the village 's main link with the outside world and the river Lynher the main artery for trade and industry .
11 Nearly everyone came down according to plan , but Sgt Paul Flood surprised everyone by missing the drop zone and coming down behind the crowd .
12 Whereas in one , an iron axehead may be a tool used for woodworking and cutting down trees , in another it may be a unit of value — a cow might be worth two axeheads , for example .
13 Okay , they 're poor paid , but at least they would have the pride of saying that they 've got a job whereas the elderly are having to just sit at home and turning down their fires and turning down their central heating in case they ca n't afford their bills !
14 We start with a young man , Thomas Fairfax , in military khaki and flying jacket , climbing into his old biplane and taxiing down a runway .
15 Or did the thin , eerie song come from that lopsided , blue-eyed elf sitting on top of a cotton bale and staring down at her ?
16 And finally , Tuesday night — probably to you , what , a Londoner and playing down in Torquay , the game against Swindon , never taken so much significance , but a very very important game for Oxford United and their followers .
17 Gould remembers following the driver and lying down on the floor of the car face down , waiting for the ambush to pass .
18 smells of the cooking and sitting down bloated out in n it ?
19 He and some friends were accused of smashing a bottle of champagne against the wall of his £700-a-night suite and tearing down Christmas decorations .
20 A PRODUCT of space programme technology , which had to find a way to recycle astronauts ' air , this ‘ circle absorber ’ is designed to recycle expensive gases exhaled from patient , thus saving money and cutting down on pollution .
21 Effectively , taking control of a lethal weapon and driving down St Mary 's Road in Oxford , which is an ordinary residential street and kill someone and be sentenced to three years : I do n't think the public will think it 's enough .
22 But you have to put your ass into it — you 've got to end up playing it like another instrument like a guitar or a piano and getting down with it .
23 How are you likely to react to all that mopping and sloshing down ?
24 In any case , sparks were riding the breeze and touching down far across the river in hidden gardens and remote rickyards .
25 When he had vanished from sight she expelled a long sigh and allowed the mask to slip away from her face , slowing returning to her towel and lying down flat on it .
26 At the same time the government is rushing ahead with non-economic reforms which it knows will be popular , such as tightening up the conditions for acquiring French citizenship and clamping down on illegal immigration .
27 Gullible had n't been driving a great big lorry around the place and putting down rat poison .
28 ‘ These plates are cold , ’ said Patrick Milligan senior , looking up from his place and staring down the table at his five-year-old daughter , who at once scrambled to her feet .
29 With Labour now likely to bury their tax madness in their charge to the right , the Tories have to stay well ahead of them and consolidate their position as the party committed to cutting public waste and bringing down tax rates .
30 Rumour has it they 've been perfecting the belly crawl and crawling down rabbit holes to hide .
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