Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb base] give " in BNC.

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1 They do this because they are not as quick as the opposition and want to give themselves as much time as possible to play the ball , no matter that they also give the other player more time .
2 I mean in my opinion that 's a good thing , but it 's had the effect of school governors , not having had any training in appointing people , have this sort of stereotyped model in their mind and tend to give promotion to men rather than to women .
3 No one has yet been able to stand up to that complex and refuse to give it the money .
4 It is essential that alternative accommodation should be very varied in type and support to give the greatest degree of independence to patients commensurate with their disabilities and to enable adjustments to be made in small steps .
5 ‘ We played the leading role in bringing Zimbabwe to independence and have given a great deal of help to Zimbabwe since independence , ’ she said .
6 Almost certainly more important are the forces that moulded provision and continue to give impetus to further development .
7 Set your child 's teddies in a circle and pretend to give them all a spoonful , finishing with one for your son or daughter .
8 After the gig , we mooch around the band 's dressing room and try to give off an inconspicuous vibe ( a hard one , since we 're the only ones that are n't stoned out of our gourds and do n't have accents that can hack their way through huge mountain ranges ) .
9 But you 'll get in that darn cab and stop giving me any more hassle , even if I have to throw you in bodily like the little baggage you are .
10 But you must not plead in behalf of your will and refuse to give due weight to mine .
11 Many celibate people who have not invested their love in one other human being , have a wealth of creative love and care to give to the world .
12 It 's easy to think you are Superwoman and try to give everyone 100 per cent of your attention .
13 Ibanez have obviously not forgotten that once the ‘ made in Japan ’ tag was considered a stigma and have given their Korean counterparts a chance to bask in the glory they deserve .
14 hourglass , sundial and clockface give way
15 Can Bob Halton hear the protest and risk giving up some of his ‘ I love me ’ ?
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