Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb base] for " in BNC.

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1 And so Felix offered to take over the wheel and drive for a while .
2 They asked the Parish Council , therefore , to approach Wyre Borough and ask for help with tasks such as mowing etc .
3 The three special ambassadors sent to James II in 1685 , for example , to congratulate him on his coronation and ask for English help against the Turks , unsuccessfully demanded privileges which were regarded as quite unjustified — to be " conducted " at their audience with the king by a duke rather than as usual a mere earl and for their coaches to be allowed to enter the courtyard of the royal palace .
4 Then add the sesame paste or peanut butter , remaining soy sauce , chilli oil , remaining salt and chicken stock and simmer for 4 minutes .
5 JUNE 30 : At the EGM , the BRDC members vote down a resolution by directors to ratify the deal and vote for a special resolution to have it unwound .
6 This was the key for Statoil 's joining the partnership and sanction for the project .
7 Some journals give clear feedback and ask for a list of changes if the paper is resubmitted , but this is not true of all .
8 You could erm you could , you could stick it in like the bedroom and wait for someone to go in and have a shag
9 ‘ All I want to do now is concentrate on football and work for the success of a great little club . ’
10 So they pick up full speed and run for cover — and your net should be carefully positioned so they hit it just before reaching safety .
11 We will reverse the unfair treatment which has meant that the inner cities have lost out in terms of local government finance , housing investment and support for employment .
12 The extension provided Rabbani with more time to form a consultative assembly , the Council of Resolution and Settlement ( Hal wa Aqd Shura ) , which would elect a permanent president and prepare for a general election .
13 The opening of the session , called for under the terms of the April 1992 Peshawar Accords in order to elect a permanent President and prepare for a general election , had been repeatedly postponed .
14 The sudden sight of her , the extreme quality of her beauty , always moved Aunt Tossie into an ecstasy of appreciation : appreciation and regret for Nicandra 's shocking waste of its potential .
15 The observed differences in the prevalence of retinopathy and need for laser treatment between these two groups remained significant .
16 ‘ Others have re-mortgaged their homes to save their small businesses only to admit defeat and opt for bankruptcy . ’
17 Mr Vassiliou , a 61-year-old self-made millionaire , telephoned his opponent to congratulate him and then went on television to concede defeat and appeal for national unity .
18 I let silence be my reply and wait for him to continue .
19 But right now we have to complete our plans for the club and plan for the future . ’
20 Anyone who thinks owning a diesel spells the end of driving fun , should park their backside in the AX 's comfortable , supportive driver 's seat and go for a quick ride .
21 Accordingly , if we calculate p1 , p4 from the trace and determinant of A , we can discard the last equation and substitute for p1 in the remainder , when ( 3 ) reduces to unc Any two of these ( consistent ) equations give p2 , p3 their values in ( 4 ) .
22 I merely ask that you keep a sceptical , but open mind and ask for nothing more than that you check the figures given to you .
23 One path of enquiry leads Gallop to repudiate this ‘ homosexual economy ’ and speculate thus : ‘ I wish to speak of radical heterosexuality , a true openness and love for the heteros , the other , an intercourse between two modalities … .
24 I do like she says , and sit there with the damp towel round my neck and wait for her to come back .
25 ‘ Public prostitution … ‘ take tea ’ … how many sad wretches have been murdered by toil and neglect for their tea … scald them with it … ’
26 If we now divide by the total concentration and substitute for then or
27 Inevitably , there will be disruption and inconvenience for staff and readers while this work is carried out .
28 In the hall , turning to Martin , she said , ‘ Come and see the table before you go upstairs , ’ and hurried forward to the dining-room , where Martin exclaimed in genuine appreciation of the table , beautifully decorated with flowers , glass , and silver and set for sixteen people .
29 The parents had n't been offered any sort of advice or counselling ; they had all received a letter from Paul Lee inviting them to come and talk to his department , but no one had offered them any information about their children ; if they wanted that they had to ring up the department and ask for it .
30 But before that she would make a cup of tea and read for a bit .
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