Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ’ I must repeat my warning that the South Wales Constabulary can not be treated like a sponge and continually expected to absorb an ever-increasing workload without an inevitable decline in the quality of the service we provide ’ .
2 Sound judgement , clear , logical thinking and highly developed analytical skills will allow you to provide effective economic intelligence , and you will compound the ability to think conceptually by translating complex issues into business realities .
3 Thus , McConaghy and his colleagues carried out a series of experiments on what they call ‘ allusive thinking ’ , a concept similar to overinclusive thinking and actually measured by them with a clinical , thought disorder test .
4 On the other hand , if you have lost your partner and like two branches of a tree , you had grown together in kindness and only lived for each other through thick and thin , then talk inwardly to your partner .
5 She stopped at an off-licence and recklessly bought pink champagne .
6 But they were unhappy with the deal and allegedly forced their way into Mr Hawthorne 's home in Hopemoor Place , Darlington , two days later , the court heard .
7 The brewery is unique in many respects , especially as a result of the outstanding beauty of its buildings , pond and meticulously maintained surroundings , this being due in no small part to the fact that it has remained in the hands of the Arkell family for well over a century .
8 One of his successors , Lord Fisher , explained that gaiters were for the restriction of blood circulation and possibly accounted for the number of swollen heads among their wearers , but he added that , ‘ I myself find them a very comfortable kind of bondage ’ .
9 As the main churches have become more liberal , Free Presbyterianism emerged to challenge the lack of ‘ real ’ Protestantism and hence offered an implicit challenge to the fraternal organizations to purify themselves by breaking their ties with the main , and now apostate , denominations .
10 As the time approached for me to concentrate on my matriculation , I decided to offer Charlie the opportunity to buy out my share of the partnership and even arranged for a qualified accountant to replace me in order that they could take over the book-keeping .
11 yeah — i talk to him the next time i see him ; - ) ( joke ! — well i stayed at the same hotel as the norw. players before our game against england and actually talked to a couple of players … the next time i will have a chat with leeds-fan rekdal ; - ) i will however forward your wishes of luck if/when i write to the supporters club .
12 Many years later Harry Houghton , one of the members of the Portland spy ring sentenced to 15 years ' imprisonment in 1961 , claimed that his Russian controller ( who was , incidentally , somehow tipped off about the impending arrest of the spy ring and never caught ) , told him during a meeting at the Crown Inn , at Punknoll in Dorset ( not far from the underwater research laboratory where Houghton worked ) , that the Russians had been warned of Crabb 's plan .
13 Although he bought Jenny a £2,000 diamond engagement ring and happily re-settled in his Brentford mansion , his scoring prowess deserted him after a vicious tackle by Stoke 's notorious Chris Kamara left McAvennie with a broken leg , an injury that kept him out of first team football for months .
14 In actual practice you could find an analysis that very often the things that have been repressed have not been repressed in the sense that they 've been totally submerged from your consciousness and totally forgotten without any trace , but what often happens is they 've become isolated or , or divorced from their context in your memory .
15 He then returned to the bedroom and carefully folded his socks , underwear , jeans and other casual wear before putting them in a drawer by the bed .
16 Katherine wandered back into her bedroom and lazily sorted through her wardrobe , before finally settling on a simple gown of heavy blue satin that was at least two seasons out of date , but which served to hide her fuller figure as she refused to wear a corset .
17 The film included a suggestive ten-minute episode , set in an eighteenth-century brothel , in which a male customer chose a female prostitute , helped her undress in a bedroom and finally got into bed with her , and a frankly explicit ten-minute episode of a newly wed bride and groom set in a hotel bedroom .
18 He reduced speed and carefully wiped each of his own damp hands on his coat .
19 The fisheries developed off Greenland and Iceland , started by colonial investment and now protected from foreign exploitation , are helping to raise standards of living ashore .
20 It has two merits : it stops detergent from getting stuck in the dispenser and therefore wasted , and it allows a highly concentrated washing solution to engulf the clothes for the first ten minutes of a wash .
21 Anchor worm ( Lernaea ) is similar , in that it is a crustacean parasite and usually introduced with new ( especially recently imported ) Koi .
22 They gave up every kind of luxury and frequently bathed in cold water .
23 This book had a substantial influence in physical geography and perhaps initiated a more consolidated attitude to the significance of human activity in physical geography .
24 This study found that intermittent buzzing reminded the child to go to the lavatory and so avoided wetting in 68 per cent , but in the group when the buzzer was related to actual wetting there was a bigger improvement rate of 80 per cent .
25 It was not until March 29 , five days after polling , that Peacock conceded defeat and immediately resigned as leader of the Liberal Party .
26 Peterson , who lost his own seat , accepted responsibility for the defeat and immediately resigned as provincial Liberal leader .
27 It was a terrible time for the Orcs , who suffered defeat after defeat and never found a leader of their own to equal Sigmar .
28 It contributed to the newspaper both in terms of content and also in terms of much-needed revenue and so helped newspapers in their struggles to survive .
29 It leads only to the Charles Inglis Clark mountain hut , a prestigious private hut owned by the Scottish Mountaineering Club and hence frequented by respectable rock-climbing doctors , lawyers and accountants .
30 Christopher also does judo at the Stockton Judo Club and recently won a gold medal at the Judo Mini Mons at Willington Spectrum Centre .
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