Example sentences of "[noun sg] be really [art] " in BNC.

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1 One comes from perhaps the pharmaceutical and the medical profession side , and it seems to me the other side is really the public side .
2 Self-defence is really a First Aid Preservation Kit .
3 The end of the movie is really the beginning of Johnny .
4 ‘ The Curry Club is really a front for the Anglo-Indian parliamentary group , and we frequently get the most wonderful lunches at the Indian High Commission as well , ’ says Mrs Nicholson .
5 The diamond design shown in the opposite photograph is really an adaptation of the solid design ( see pp. 80–1 ) , although in this case you have to make a very definite outline with the leaves and then ensure that it is echoed in the shape that the flowers make in the centre of the design .
6 Some authorities hold that social anthropology is really a sub-division of sociology , a broadly-based comparative ‘ trans-cultural ’ or cross-cultural sociology .
7 To treat racism as a matter of irrational prejudice is really a micro-reductive variant on this theme .
8 Suppose one trains an animal on a task that normally results in it learning , but adds some treatment that prevents the learning from occurring , then if the biochemical process under study is really a process which is specifically associated with the memory formation , it should not occur if the memory is blocked .
9 Because your bonus is really a , used to be around about five percent but if you look at them now , they 've restructured them , which means they 've reduced them .
10 It would be easy to do so on the basis that his fusion of science and religion was really a confusion .
11 REMEMBER the man who made a fortune out of a book which claimed that the Old Testament was really the story of how extra-terrestrials landed on earth or , to put it plainly , that Elijah 's still small voice was a wee green man speaking in his ear ?
12 The so-called Executioner 's Axe was really a woodman 's axe on a long handle .
13 She was supposed to be very , very quiet , she had to , I think complete submission was really the key point of women in the eighteen-forties .
14 Elsewhere , distinctions were made between self-denial , charity , and earnings , although , as Lesser remarked , the dilemma was really a moral one :
15 Was it possible this urchin was really the repository of cataclysmic sexuality as Ewan claimed ?
16 Or perhaps he knew that Warnham and Calcraft in Buckingham 's retinue were really the King 's agents . ’
17 In the illustrations below , we assume the boundaries of the nxn matrix are fixed , so that players at the boundaries simply have fewer neighbours ; the qualitative character of our results is unchanged if we instead choose periodic boundary conditions ( so that the lattice is really a torus ) .
18 Its ( mainly British ) critics suspect the social dimension is really a socialist dimension , masterminded by the European Commission 's French Socialist president , Mr Jacques Delors .
19 ( Left ) Although usually called a panther , this large cat is really a leopard in black or ‘ melanistic ’ phase .
20 The village green is really a giant theatre set.It takes hours of work by the scenic artists to turn a series of frames covered in plastic sheeting into convincing buildings.Here they 're working on what will become the church .
21 Although Rhee poses plausibly as champion of Corean independence and has made a deep impression on sentimental audiences in United States , his admittedly genuine desire for the country 's independence is really the desire of a megalomaniac .
22 ‘ The tax issue is really a side issue with us . ’
23 The key issue is really the multiples is n't it ?
24 Your question is really a question regarding the duration of the present recession which with the exception of our economic astrologers nobody can answer at present .
25 The reason is that despite the presence of what ? in the formula what do/does/did … do ? this question is really a substitute for the verb phrase as a verb phrase ; it does not assume any object for the verb : ( 25 ) the nurses swam at the weekend : what did the nurses do at the weekend ?
26 The court said that it would not regard the separability of the information in question as being conclusive , but the fact that the alleged " confidential " information is part of a package and that the remainder of the package is not confidential is likely to throw light on whether the information in question is really a business secret .
27 The question is really the same by whomsoever the action is brought — whether by a person , a firm , or a company .
28 The question is really the same by whomsoever the action is brought — whether by a person , a firm , or a company .
29 The question is really an attack on the privatisation of British Airways , which is a successful company operating in a highly competitive marketplace .
30 Alida was really the sisters ' friend .
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