Example sentences of "[noun sg] be only the " in BNC.

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1 If these forecasts are correct , and they of course ignore the inertia of the system , and the immense social capital invested in cities , then the population and employment changes revealed by this chapter are only the precursors of a massive recolonization of the countryside , not only in the UK but also the USA ( Fisher and Mitchelson , 1981 ) .
2 That the monument is only the latest manifestation of a long and miserable tradition of big lies and big art should come as no surprise to readers of ‘ Republic of Fear ’ , Mr Khalil 's previous study of contemporary Iraqi politics .
3 The violence is only the exercise of an ultimate weapon available to men .
4 A House of Lords ' Select Committee has found that detected fraud is only the tip of the iceberg , and that steps taken to support the fight against it are not enough .
5 Buying your car is only the start .
6 But free fighting is only the first step on the road to real competition and , in order to instil confidence in students , it is performed according to set criteria .
7 However , the figures of 2,561 drivers humiliated for a 3.2 per cent return were only the average over the previous three years in Nottingham .
8 Again it has been shown that jobs in services , clerical work , agriculture and construction are attractive , but factory work is only the fifth choice , preferred by only 11 per cent ( see figure 3.7 ) .
9 Reforming the blasphemy law is only the first item on a lengthening Muslim agenda .
10 Some of them took great satisfaction in provocative statements of their position : there is no such thing as law , they said , or law is only the prediction of what the courts will do or only a matter of what the judge ate for breakfast .
11 THE Queen is only the TENTH richest woman in Britain , a survey reveals .
12 Ironically , the generosity of the IWA in guaranteeing funds to enable the question of the Rights of Way Act to be taken to the Court of Appeal seems to have resulted in many believing that the issue is only the concern of the ‘ powered boaters ’ .
13 The Essex girl is only the fifth British Belle ever to win an Olympic track or field title
14 Getting the enquiries procedure right is only the first stage in setting up a good media relation programme .
15 The town is only the second in the country to win the honour .
16 If to ease pain , the doctor must take measures which may hasten death , this is permissible provided the doctor 's aim is only the relief of pain .
17 Finding your book or article is only the beginning , of course .
18 Unlike sales for a manufacturing company , the sale of a life assurance product is only the start of a long relationship between the policyholder and the company .
19 But capitalism is only the individualistic man of Enlightenment creation in economic form .
20 But in fact this appearance is only the distorted mirror-image of the reality I have described .
21 That meeting was only the beginning of a long series of meetings , retreats and counselling sessions which formed the stepping stones for a return to an authentic Christian experience .
22 On her slender body was only the bathrobe , which fluttered out behind her as she ran into the steaming night .
23 Not far behind this overall vision of justice came his anxious consideration that the particular saints of each church , for whom the present community was only the trustee , would demand from their trustees a full account of their stewardship down to the most minute particulars .
24 The benchers of the Inns of Court are only the agents of the judges in calling to the Bar .
25 The convoy is only the third to reach Srebrenica since Bosnia 's civil war began last April .
26 Overall , getting computer records submitted as evidence in court is only the first aspect of the evidential requirements companies need to address when implementing an electronic documentation system ; getting the court to accept the contents as adequate proof , or a good record , is an even more important consideration .
27 Lastly , the GCSE requires pupils to wait for the length of a two-year course before they can know whether they have been successful , whereas a record of achievement is only the most recent and perhaps summarizing statement of progress which the pupils themselves have monitored and recorded .
28 This may happen , but usually the presentation is only the beginning of the client and agency shaping the work into a final version .
29 Knowledge-without-experience is only the reverse side of the coin of experience-without-knowledge .
30 ‘ Ever and again comes the thought that what we see of a sign is only the outside of something within , in which the real operations of sense and meaning go on ’ ( 140 ) .
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