Example sentences of "[noun sg] be say [that] " in BNC.

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1 Effectively , Prince are saying that the racket adjusts to every shot , quite a claim .
2 It has of course been said that it is possible to practice veterinary medicine and that many doctors do not communicate in any language but it has to be said that there is room for improvement .
3 Although British Aerospace are saying that all the work is going to be carried out , one begins to have some doubts and fears as to whether or not that 's 100 per cent true .
4 Another but more legally complicated way of arriving at the same result under the subsection is to say that , when the police seek to intervene , it is likely that a belief is likely to arise in the mind of the first victims , that violence towards the police is a likely outcome of the defendant 's conduct .
5 With this defence the defendant is saying that the plaintiff has failed to take reasonable care and thereby been partly responsible for his own injuries , loss or damage .
6 The obvious way out of this dilemma is to say that the currents are there — inside the magnetic material .
7 Another way of formulating this criterion is to say that only a semantic deviance can be taken as a ‘ figure of speech ’ .
8 The alternative is to say that assimilation causes a phoneme to be realised by a different allophone ; this would mean that , in the case of and , the phoneme of ‘ good ’ has velar and bilabial allophones .
9 As we noted in the last chapter , to say that a decision or action is subject to judicial review is to say that it can be challenged on the basis of the rules and principles of public law which define the grounds of judicial review .
10 Of a sudden he sat down in a chair and Joe , looking at him , had a strange thought , for his mind was saying that if men could cry , Martin would be crying now .
11 But it was saying , er this , this programme was saying that that erm that they were buying a house .
12 Well yes , yes in terms it sounds mos most confusing compared with a straightforward business world but if , if , if the campaign are saying that it 's got to be this way for legal reasons they 're not prepared to accept it .
13 Another way of describing lack of spontaneity is to say that the participant is ‘ holding back ’ , not ‘ letting himself go ’ , not ‘ giving himself ’ to the situation .
14 The nearest one can get to a level equivalence is to say that it is at roughly A Level standard , though it differs hugely from any actual A Level examination , and this comparison should not be taken too literally .
15 The ‘ on ’ type is saying that the centre of its particular region of the visual field is brighter than the rest , while the ‘ off ’ type is saying that it is darker .
16 The ‘ on ’ type is saying that the centre of its particular region of the visual field is brighter than the rest , while the ‘ off ’ type is saying that it is darker .
17 we used to go every year be go round to erm for a bonfire but the old boy was saying that he said they ca n't afford it next year .
18 Where the requirements of the model are satisfied it can thus with some truth be said that there is an ‘ utter dispersion of power ’ .
19 It must in the first place be said that women in the past were not for example doctors or politicians , so it is hardly surprising that they should not have held public office in the church .
20 It must in the first place be said that there was probably nothing particularly exceptional about Jesus ' behaviour and attitudes towards women .
21 It is said that the most the justices should do if they think that contact should not take place is to say that there should be no order as to contact , leaving it to the local authority and the parent by agreement to make any other provisions they wish .
22 One simple way of describing this difference is to say that speech act theory is interested in the social rather than the cognitive aspects of language .
23 Then one way in which we can accommodate context-relativity is to say that the proposition expressed by a sentence in a context is a function from possible worlds and that context to truth values .
24 Er , Chairman the , the only advice that I can give Dr on that point is to say that the county council is not letting them down er the funding for major road schemes is provided by central government and we make a contribution towards it but if central government do not give us permission to go ahead with the race road scheme in terms of a grant , then in fact it will not go ahead and in that situation they may be let down , that is their judgement and that should be reflected in the way they vote at parliamentary elections .
25 I become aware when parts of my body become tense and , more importantly , I know now how to ‘ relax ’ them , and when my body is saying that it has had enough I am able to leave things till tomorrow instead of insisting that they have to be done today .
26 The way that most materialists try to reconcile their flight from behaviourism with their materialist world picture is to say that when V sees something , and BS observes V 's brain , BS knows everything about V 's mental states that V himself knows , but that he knows about it in a different way .
27 Thus Goldthorpe and Lockwood ( 1969 ) carried out their research among the manual workers of Luton at a time when academic opinion was saying that such people were beginning to take on middle-class characteristics .
28 The papers the other day were saying that Blackburn were the most likely club to land Gazza .
29 Of the 46 manufacturer respondents , only Mattessons Wall 's said that they would use irradiated foods in their products , conditional on public demand .
30 Bénezet is saying that Tutilo is taken for murder .
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