Example sentences of "[noun sg] be not go " in BNC.

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1 Yeah see I 've only got like erm two quid on me and I need to get home tomorrow and and I wo n't have anywhere to stay cos Dan and Honey are n't going and I 'd rather stick with them and Emma and Nick and just go back to erm Nick 's house
2 Deserts are the result of a lack of water and if there is a prolonged , fluctuating drought ( like the one that began on the northern fringe of sub-Saharan Africa at the end of the 1960s ) vast sums of money are not going to stop desertification .
3 ‘ It 's a tragedy that all those millions of pounds of investment are not going to create many jobs .
4 If it 's the non-taxpayer owns the account in that case , then she can pay the whole of that thousand pounds into a joint account for them both , and they can both use the income , the revenue are n't going to b bother about where the money 's gone , providing that it 's received by the person who owns the investment .
5 Stirling had about 65 per cent of the play , yet Kenny Milne , the Heriot 's captain , admitted that never at any stage during the game had he felt his side were not going to win .
6 So I 'd suggest again that the sensible place to shout armed police is as soon as you enter because the fraction of a second between you getting from the hall to the bedroom is n't going to make any difference .
7 It may be scholarly to give many references to work done in the 18th century and to plumb the depths of graph theory , but the result is not going to be of very much help to a working chemist .
8 Secondly the deliveries of the equipment from the equipment suppliers who had been selected er generally fell behind the promises which they had made , so the main reason for the technical delays has been lack of equipment of the correct standard to proceed with the integration programme erm the erm the problems which beset the programme in nineteen ninety two after the German minister started questioning its future clearly had a direct bearing on that because many of the equipment suppliers , particularly those in Germany , suddenly began to think hey this programme is not going anywhere , why should we invest a lot of effort and and money into it and they slowed down so that has had a knock on effect in in terms of delaying the total programme and erm the result of all of that has been that the current development programme schedule which we have supplied to the committee is probably about as fast as the programme is capable of running .
9 Mummy 's not going to let you fall
10 By golly , she thought , that rotten Trunchbull is n't going to pin this one on me !
11 Er , my brother-in-law 's not going .
12 The ability to win over an informant who is undecided whether or not to grant the interview is important , as is the ability to put people at their ease and reassure them that the interview is not going to be some sort of viva voce examination .
13 Unionists may not be ready to judge the republic on its merits for years yet , and the hatred bred by three centuries of religious animosity is not going to be bartered away by any group of politicians .
14 ‘ But your being pals with the local superintendent is n't going to do any harm . ’
15 ‘ The album is n't going to sound like Cream .
16 And remember that if Riddle was murdered on Friday night his killer is not going to be anxious to admit having had a visit . ’
17 A simple explanation to the child about how mummy is not going to give in to tempers can help the child learn more quickly .
18 A concierge is not going to risk his reputation on recommending a poor restaurant .
19 Increased aid was not going to discourage people immediately and it was inconceivable that increased voluntary repatriation could suffice on its own , he said .
20 That agile mind was not going to sit back and take things easy even if her body had no option but to obey the doctor 's orders .
21 The wedding was not going to be the one she had dreamed of .
22 Dot was n't going to call him anything .
23 All of Bicester it seemed were there , but Kersal , clearly in athletic mood were n't going to make it easy .
24 Erm , the monetary outlook is not going to be easy .
25 Deep down my wife thinks that I 'm a pessimist , bad-tempered all the time — which I am when work is n't going well .
26 Deep down my wife thinks that I 'm a pessimist , bad-tempered all the time — which I am when work is n't going well .
27 It 's only likely to cause a problem if they think my work is n't going to be up to standard .
28 Meanwhile , back at the job centre the search for work is n't going well .
29 Does it address the issue that it is the impact of social structures on older people that needs to be challenged , and that any amount of charitable good work is not going to fundamentally alter this situation ?
30 This Act is n't going to make any difference .
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