Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [subord] it " in BNC.

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1 The reason Scottish Equitable is proposing this deal is because it is short of the necessary capital needed to carry on growing its business .
2 The reason vitamin D was regarded as a vitamin is because it is found in our food , and this is important for those who do not receive adequate exposure to sunlight — for example , the house-bound elderly .
3 The first question I want to ask of contemporary antiracism is whether it does not collude in accepting that the problems of ‘ race ’ and racism are somehow peripheral to the substance of political life .
4 The gravest doubt which has assailed historians about Charlemagne 's moral and educational programme is whether it had much effect .
5 One question to bear in mind is whether it might in certain circumstances be a breach of fiduciary duty to include an exemption clause in a contract with a customer .
6 But the only reason that it 's called The Dark Ark is because it travels in the shadow of Noah 's Ark .
7 But the only reason that it 's called The Dark Ark is because it travels in the shadow of Noah 's Ark .
8 The general rule is if it looks bad , it probably is bad , so let's get it right .
9 So I said to June , the only thing what flashed through my mind , not the fact about having the engine out or something like that but what flashed through my mind was whether it was for Beck and Pollitzers at all .
10 One day the settee is opposite the door , the next it is where the telly was before it was swapped round with the nest of tables .
11 He has resisted both pulls until he has assembled all the information he thinks relevant , the test of relevance being whether it does in fact strengthen one pull in relation to the other .
12 The most fundamental issue at stake is whether it represents merely a continuation of the earlier process of suburbanization and metropolitan deconcentration , albeit on a much larger geographical scale , or instead constitutes a fundamental switch away from the urban concentration process associated with industrialization towards a new ‘ post-industrial ’ settlement pattern based on medium-sized and small centres ( Hamnett and Randolph , 1983a ; Robert and Randolph , 1983 ) .
13 All that science could say is : The universe is as it is now because it was as it was then .
14 Now some doctors could conceivably still be frightened off , but we must presume , I think , that doctors are literate people , that they can understand what the law is if it is told to them , and the medical societies and other groups are making available to them the workings of this particular Act .
15 The reason why people prolong the information loop is because it is a relatively ‘ safe ’ way to pass the time .
16 The reason why people often prolong the informing loop is because it is a relatively ‘ safe ’ way to pass the time .
17 The second related issue is whether it is appropriate to set down a single structure which puts topics under specific headings , given the interdisciplinary nature of the subject .
18 But the crux of the issue is whether it would be good for ministers to receive more partisan advice .
19 The question at issue is whether it is ‘ better ’ for the bilateral cases to have both joints replaced in a single operation or to have each joint treated separately in operations , say , six months apart .
20 One area of contention is whether it is appropriate to describe the new arrangements as evidence of a growth of local corporatism , or even ‘ corporatism at local level ’ ( Cawson , 1985b ) .
21 The Victorian obsession with comfort has some relation to this conviction , for the first and even the final — test of a home is whether it makes the visitor feel at ease .
22 The question is whether it is worth while to make an alteration by which you will gain at most two and a half minutes …
23 Although two injections a day may be desirable the next question is whether it is possible .
24 ‘ The question is whether it will satisfy all the requirements of openness . ’
25 The crucial question is whether it manages to liberate at least as much energy from fusions as was expended in running a particle accelerator to produce that muon in the first place .
26 Rather than ask whether a NATO tank remains superior to a Soviet tank , the relevant question is whether it remains superior to four Soviet tanks .
27 While the Arts Council may survive as an advisory body , the crucial question is whether it retains a funding role : ‘ The days of the arm 's length principle are gone .
28 Expo '92 is forecast to exceed all records as the biggest exhibition of its kind , but the important question is whether it will live up to long term expectations .
29 The important question is whether it fulfils the longer term expectations which the Spanish authorities have invested in it .
30 The question is whether it was possible for an ancient Athenian to possess a social representation in this sense , or whether we have to wait until the modern age for social representations to appear .
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