Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [prep] us " in BNC.

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1 These ‘ last days ’ have in measure been with us since his crucifixion two thousand years ago .
2 May the force be with us .
3 And may God 's strength and guidance be with us always .
4 And all the people answered and said his blood be on us and our , and on our children .
5 In recent days , he wrote , perhaps because Spring is upon us , I have been putting in the hours but the intensity has gone .
6 One supposes that sort of snobbery is behind us .
7 The force is with us .
8 The Enemy is upon us and we have no time to organise ourselves into battalions and ordered companies .
9 The length of the boat was between us .
10 By now the soggy British spring was upon us .
11 The wind was against us , but that proved in our favour because Jacklin could n't reach the green in two .
12 But the first computers that can learn by discovery are with us ; the Fifth Generation computers in Japan ‘ understand ’ rather than just process information .
13 ‘ If those planets are Capurnicum and Ariadnum , ’ said Jason , looking at the map , ‘ then Planet Zog is behind us . ’
14 We are supposed to be able to turn the silver piece round , so that the plain side of the work is towards us , allowing the needles to lie in the grooves on the underside of the garter bar and replace the stitches on the needles .
15 God 's holy angel is among us !
16 But the plan is for us all to write a couple of things to put on an album . ’
17 and , cos I said to the dealers for a long time you know do n't put them under stairs , do n't put them in store rooms , they get locked , locked up with vacuum cleaners and you ca n't get to the gear when you go to them , do n't put them high up on the wall we ca n't reach them and they just laugh , but er , I think the last laugh 's on us now cos er if I see one high up on the wall , I say well that , I say we 're not accepting that , you have to move it
18 Cos the purpose of the exercise is for us to see how far we 've come , but the most important purpose of the exercise is to determine where we wan na go .
19 In the last edition of Link I reported that the economic outlook was against us , but this would also create opportunities for us to acquire and merge other businesses with our own .
20 Somehow I was relieved that a guard was with us because I thought that if there was an accident his friends might try to get him — and maybe us — out .
21 The hospitaller was with us when Mowbray 's body was found .
22 ‘ In a way , the laugh was on us . ’
23 May God 's blessing be with us all .
24 ( We must remember that this was closer to them than the Second World War is to us . )
25 I have no right and you have been very generous , Fred , Uncle Steve and the boys and Gertie ca n't understand why you did n't come here with us , Gert only said this morning that you ought to be here , your place is with us , but do n't think I am not grateful .
26 We try to find God 's plan , for this job is beyond us .
27 In contrast to the pervading mood of fear and uncertainty of last year , the atmosphere from 17 to 22 June this year was one of resignation : the crisis is upon us ; there 's no end to it in sight , but we still have to be here .
28 Another sign of possible 1929-style international financial crisis is upon us .
29 Why , if the Pacific era is upon us , has it all happened here ?
30 We think a new era is before us .
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