Example sentences of "[noun sg] of other woman " in BNC.

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1 He preferred Emily 's reticence to the over-eagerness of other women .
2 ‘ Yolande could well have been terrified of Alexander , or , ’ she added , ‘ Yolande may have been a lover of other women .
3 But all the messages that the parliaments of women busily exchanged among themselves stuck at one figure whom their spate of stories , their laughter and malice , could n't break down or wash away , a special kind of other woman , a figure so pitiful and so ludicrous that even jokes could n't make her situation spicy , and yet she outnumbered all others , because so many men had gone away alone , to America , both North and South .
4 It is not as she thinks a desire to ‘ make the most of it ’ , to somehow claim importance , but rather a recognition that in this oppressive society women need the care and emotional support of other women .
5 For village women in Punjab , Bengal or Gujerat , there is usually only one source of comfort in their new life — the presence of other women — to love them , caress them , sing songs with them and soothe their sorrows .
6 While the proportion of other women at work has remained between 40 and 60 per cent , the early decades ( Table 3.5 ) showed 10 per cent or less of married females at work , compared with a recent ( 1988 ) figure of 55.7 per cent who were economically active .
7 Phoebe , who might have been a slut , had in fact become exactly the opposite — she had not time or patience or tolerance for anyone she considered to be exploiting the manual work of other women .
8 This book makes links , between the social and ‘ medical' aspects of infertility , adding to the work of other women : an insensitive , sometimes outright demeaning , exploitative medical practice , and what one Dutch woman called the ‘ lingering process ' of infertility , the disruption of one 's life , feelings about motherhood , and the social pressures .
9 The home happiness , refinement and sheltered grace of middle-class women , she insisted , was bought at the price of other women 's toil and suffering .
10 There is a large and growing feminist literature in sociology which is much appreciated by women students , including influential and innovative collections stemming from the British Sociological Association 's conferences and study groups on Sexual Divisions ( see , for example , Barker and Allen , 1976a and 1976b ) ; there is the BSA women 's caucus which operates as a forum for women and as a pressure group within the profession ; there is also the work of the BSA Standing Committee on the Equality of the Sexes ; and many of the small number of women in positions of relative power in the profession have been willing to use their influence on behalf of other women .
11 Some interpret their presence simply as evidence of their particular merit , as Rioch did ; use it to justify the absence of other women ; and display an exaggerated femininity .
12 ‘ If the thought of other women being able to do this , to touch you , hold you , lie with you , brings on the most awful pain inside , makes me feel sick and ill , then I have no intention of letting you out of my sight .
13 Both these books are very similar , their main themes are the same ; that with the support and love of other women they overcame their oppressors and emancipate themselves .
14 Then we rapidly had a large number of other women .
15 There are now a number of other women artists groups here in Berlin and in Germany .
16 ‘ But we — Claire , and I , and a lot of other women — have been wondering how much longer you were going to make money writing articles about the women 's movement before you felt a duty to take some kind of action . ’
17 If you want to inflame Lotta 's jealousy I 'm sure you know a lot of other women who would be only too willing to oblige you . ’
18 Sybil had her eye on the main chance , and so have a lot of other women over the years .
19 She winced , the force of his brutal remark piercing through her like a sharp knife , the suggestion of other women hurting so badly that she realised with a sick sensation that she was jealous .
20 ‘ There 's still the matter of other women . ’
21 As Sherman 's work had demonstrated — and she is joined by the legion of other women artists who also seek to assert their right to make use of their naked figures in their work — this in an obstinately difficult strategy to adopt where the female body is concerned .
22 The company of other women .
23 But since the marriage split was announced in March , he has carefully avoided seeking out the company of other women , and has concentrated instead on seeing as much of his children as possible .
24 ‘ I hate to disillusion you , Mr Jacobsen — ’ to her relief her light , careless laugh sounded almost genuine ‘ but women do occasionally manage to be in the company of other women without any thought of men .
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