Example sentences of "[noun sg] of a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Local experiments with joint telephone services may shortly provide some indication as to the feasibility of a wider plan .
2 Not everyone , however , accepts the desirability or feasibility of a longer working life .
3 La Belle Noiseuse ( 15 ) Now offered in two versions — the full , four-hour marathon or the two hour ‘ Divertimento ’ — Jacques Rivette 's luminous film explores the tensions generated when an elderly artist essays a final masterpiece using the beautiful girlfriend of a younger painter as his model .
4 Dr. Lynne Michelle , of Edinburgh , has highlighted in her studies on the perception of children of the promotion of cigarettes the grave danger , almost the entrapment of a younger generation by irresponsible elements in the industry and , sadly , the example set by other adults , including parents .
5 This includes moderations from the external examiners , late notification of medical problems , decisions on field changes which affect a student 's progress or the recommendation of a higher class of degree than that indicated by a progressive average .
6 It is consonant with the Warnock Report 's recommendation of a broader definition of special educational needs than one based simply on disability or deficiency .
7 This file will be very small and , if indexed , it will usually match the access speed of a larger direct file because it can be held on a single cylinder of disk , with its index in main storage .
8 Many teachers exploit the possibility of comic , ‘ fun ’ poetry , or the lyrics of popular music as a way into the appreciation of a wider range of contemporary writing , beginning with writers who are easily accessible .
9 With the closure of a further five mills in the first half of the current year major cost savings will be realised .
10 A strong force of 26 heavy line-of-battle ships was based on Plymouth to protect the western approaches and patrol up-Channel towards the Nore , while Vernon himself took command of a smaller fleet , of rather weaker vessels , in the Downs , which could either sail west down the Channel or north-east to intercept an enemy making for the Thames estuary .
11 In order to exclude a bias as a result of a higher proportion of men being included in the adenocarcinoma group the data were analysed again for male patients only who smoked or drank .
12 Further , it seems likely that although it may have been the case in the earlier nineteenth century that the proportion of the English population living in the higher-waged North increased both as a result of a higher natural rate of increase and from in-migration , in 1801 53 per cent of the population still lived south of the Severn/Wash line , while north of it counties like Herefordshire and Worcestershire were not high-waged .
13 Between February and October the Labour and Tory votes both fell , and Labour 's parliamentary success was merely the result of a greater slump in the Tory vote .
14 Many of the deeply painful and depersonalizing situations in our society come about as the direct result of a broader but lower valuation of sex and sexual relationships .
15 Between 1973 and 1985 GDP there rose by 46 per cent while energy use fell by 6 per cent , and that , according to the Association for the Conservation of Energy , put the United States ‘ at a $200 billion disadvantage to Japan as a result of a poorer energy efficiency performance ’ .
16 Some foreign ministry officials ( like Briand 20 years before ) saw European unity as the only solution : France and Germany could join in European institutions as equals , with no need for special controls on Germany ; but at the same time German economic independence would be restricted and German resources would be used for the good of a greater whole .
17 With the funds available , Florey collaborated with Chain , whose work on lysozyme , already mentioned , led naturally to a study of a wider range of antibacterial agents .
18 Secondly , a non-porphyrin ligand would be easier to chemically modify and so permit study of a greater range of ligand structural variations .
19 The London embassy reported that , while the great majority supported the " Anglo-Saxon " " alliance " " ' , there was a real fear of a bigger — even of a global — war .
20 Of course , not every would-be escaper would be deterred by the fear of a harsher sentence , but even now some prisoners refuse to go along with escape or mutiny plans due to fear of the consequences .
21 Most MPs see the cross-party support for the new Speaker as an omen of a kinder , gentler House , a suitable legislature for the kind of country , ‘ at ease with itself ’ , that John Major has said he wishes to create .
22 In addition , the procedure usually takes longer and an endoscope of a greater diameter is used when biliary stenting is performed .
23 We are working for no patchwork modifications , for no ‘ reconciliation of capital and labour ’ , for no ‘ infusion of a better spirit ’ into old industrial forms .
24 Many find the rhythm of a larger horse more comfortable but turn to page 31 to see if you can be converted !
25 the very fabric of a higher skill
26 There was also some indication of a higher incidence in sectors with a higher child density measure both at ages 0–4 and 5–24 , and at both greater and lower degrees of isolation .
27 She had never given any indication of a closer relationship .
28 Despite this , one still sees lay lords investing in land — there was no possible alternative — and the need to compensate for declining returns to maintain an existing standard of living may indeed explain some of the characteristic features of fifteenth-century society , the pursuit of heiresses , the search for the patronage of a greater man , particularly the King who could grant pensions and offices , and the desire to campaign overseas .
29 This is all part of a trend away from the narrow specialization of the past and towards the offering of a wider and wider range of services .
30 The ancients taught of a universe built on invisible causes , the material world being the outer garment , veil or effect of a higher , more subtle order of reality .
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