Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And often it 's not that they never had anywhere to live , it 's just that they could n't cope with the responsibilities and the isolation of living on their own .
2 The builders , unfortunately , were still upstairs , and her classes were still conducted to the loud clank of hammering with attendant dust .
3 And when a ratepayer challenged a local authority 's conduct of its policy to sell council houses and invoked his statutory right to complain to the District Auditor , he was debarred from at the same time pursuing the alternative remedy of applying to the courts for judicial review .
4 Again last week we talked about the feasibility of going to Australia for a week and the impact it would have on you after things like jetlag .
5 The political feasibility of dangling before Indians a prize at which they might gaze but which they would never grasp was assured , Irwin told Salisbury , by the fact that Indians in their heart of hearts knew they would always need British administrators to guide them .
6 There are two possible explanations for the association of smoking with cervical neoplasia .
7 With the death of Fisher , ended the association of Halling with the Bishops .
8 BRAVE souls thinking of buying in London 's Docklands should get hold of a new free guide from the London Docklands Development Corporation .
9 Arms salesman ; okay the Avenger the Equaliser the Total Fucking Nutter went for the legs too but still , and the editor spiked , and the rapist-lenient judge raped and the pornographer poisoned and stroked and the man who was so callous about the bloodshed in the Iran/Iraq war forced to watch his penned animals die like cattle like soldiers like cattle and then bled to death in his own private fountains of blood and the businessman who put profits before safety and not only helped kill a thousand people but then tried to get out of paying the survivors and dependants any compensation gets his own gas explosion — blevey is the technical term apparently — and fuck me whoever he is ( assuming he is a he ) , he 's got a sense of humour or at least irony why he 's produced what 's almost a snuff video effectively a snuff video if you mean brain-death anyway it 's the closest anyone will admit to ever having seen or found one even the Obscene Pubs Squad who 've been looking for years but although everybody assumes they exist nobody 's ever seen one until old gorilla man comes along and just makes his own , specifically to warn off any other porn merchants thinking of dealing in snuff !
10 Ten days and more of women 's films is a good way of recharging one 's batteries , and women thinking of going to next year 's Festival might like to know that the organisers will arrange accommodation with local families for 50F a night ( approx £5 . )
11 My advice to young people thinking of going into catering is to gain as much information as possible , try it and judge for yourself .
12 Puffer , a nineteenth-century female psychology graduate thinking of applying for an academic post , is told by her college president , ‘ the rumor … concerning your engagement may have … affected the recommendation I sent ’ .
13 Thinking of Working for Yourself ( IR 57 )
14 As well as running workshops and training events in different parts of the country to help individuals and couples plan constructively for the future , it also offers one-to-one counselling advice to those thinking of embarking on a new career .
15 Entitled ‘ See Yourself in Hair d-sign ’ this video is aimed to encourage those thinking of starting in the business from scratch .
16 This could be accounted for by an initial Hercynian episode of stripping of Carboniferous overburden .
17 From then on I did a great deal of telephoning to him ; but , as usual , he preferred contact de vive voix .
18 There was a good deal of plotting in the Cabinet , and amongst the dissident ex-Coalitionists .
19 There was also an acceptance , as the implications were worked out later in the paper , that Terminal courses with ‘ a good deal of teaching at quite an elementary level ’ were ‘ a most important part ’ of the WEA 's work ; that university graduates , who usually had a narrow academic education , could benefit from the breadth of learning offered by the WEA quite as much as manual workers ; that courses in literature and the arts were clearly a valid part of the WEA 's total provision because they attracted new members , taught the processes of serious study and by enriching lives helped ‘ in raising the quality of the public which has the power of judgement upon those set in authority over it ’ .
20 Leeds worked hard to use the sources to provide a chronology of the development of brooch types ( 1933 ) and the extremely dubious assumptions he made have coloured a great deal of thinking to this day .
21 I agree that many jobs , particularly in manufacturing industry , have been lost since 1979 , but one must remember that there was a great deal of overmanning in 1979 .
22 It is unlikely to be in exactly the same position , even if she could find it , for during the night there is a great deal of jostling among the youngsters and any one of them may have moved about eighteen inches or so .
23 Following the war , a great deal of redrafting of the official creed took place , and Scouting for Boys was repeatedly updated so that not only was militarism explicitly disowned , but the earlier racial imperialism was swapped for international brotherhood and goodwill .
24 In 1980 , Robert , The Vines and its master still needed a great deal of looking after , but Patricia , once secretary to Billy Griffith at Lord 's , was equal to the task .
25 There was a great deal of dragging of feet .
26 There was a good deal of howling from her and a few overripe adjectives , but she was better padded than the seats of the Transit .
27 It was not until 1964 and a great deal of nagging on my part that the regulations were changed to require flight data recorders to be carried .
28 There has been a great deal of crossing with the Charolais .
29 Much of economic theory , and a good deal of theorizing in other social sciences , rests on the theory of rational choice , as developed by von Neumann and Morgenstern and by Savage for individual decision- making in situations of uncertainty .
30 There was the binding of wounds and examining of bruises to be considered , and the saying of prayers and sewing-up in bedding of those whose lives had been forfeit and above all there was a great deal of talking to be one , for , as the Magistrate scientifically observed , nothing unusual can happen among human beings without generating an immense , compensating volume of chatter .
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