Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] between " in BNC.

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1 The term ‘ Internal Market ’ is usually attributed to Enthoven , who put forward proposals for greater import and export of patients between health authorities .
2 There has to be a new evenness of balance between parents and schools when it comes to making judgements about how schools should be managed .
3 There is a great deal of competitiveness between the sections , sometimes not always friendly , with each thinking itself the most efficient and ‘ best ’ at policing .
4 However , since much published work combines various approaches , there will be a good deal of overlap between different parts of the discussion and it will be necessary throughout to refer to various theoretical and methodological issues which have received a good deal of attention in recent years .
5 It thus differs from business education whose concern is more broadly based in terms of areas of knowledge and the techniques relevant to business operations , though , of course , there is a good deal of overlap between the two subject areas .
6 It does not ensure that the buyer will acknowledge the debt or indeed settle the invoice when due and therefore demands a great deal of trust between both parties .
7 I always find it the reddest of the brilliant stars , though there is not a great deal of colour-difference between it and Betelgeux ; the name ‘ Antares ’ means ‘ the Rival of Ares ’ ( Mars ) .
8 This resulted in a great deal of correspondence between myself and the Development Corporation and at the end of it I told my wife the best thing to do was to hand her notice in as there was no chance of us ever getting a house in Harlow , fortunately her services were much more seriously in demand then we imagined and the company nominated us for one , a house which is allocated to one of their executives , the house that we 're living in now and have lived in ever since nineteen sixty three .
9 There was n't a great deal of discussion between Doug and me …
10 I think there 's a great deal of disparity between the countries of Western Europe erm in the way in which health and social security provisions are organized and erm provided .
11 Mortimer 's techniques were well in advance of those of Greenwell and there was a good deal of rivalry between them .
12 Kelly has shown recently that correct calculations about the shearing strength of solids are rather complicated and that there is a good deal of variation between the theoretical shear strengths of various substances .
13 There was , of course , a great deal of variation between one housewife and another .
14 The main academic posts within universities are typically as described below , though there is a great deal of variation between universities .
15 However , with regard to the length of each operational tour of duty , it is obvious that there was a deal of confusion between the Commands .
16 In fact , there is n't a great deal of difference between the two and the one merges into the other .
17 For example , there is a very great deal of difference between sawing a large log by hand and stitching , or between playing a game of tennis and a game of cards .
18 A second question which I am struggling with is whether or not there is a great deal of difference between bass flangers and guitar flangers .
19 Also , at the end of the day there may not be a great deal of difference between a system which requires all charges subject to exceptions to be registered as opposed to the present one which requires specified charges to be registered subject to the power of the Secretary of State to add to or delete from their number .
20 ‘ There 's a great deal of difference between being desired and having it spelled out ! ’ she insisted awkwardly .
21 ‘ I knew how I could make you feel , ’ he corrected , ‘ but there 's a great deal of difference between bodily chemistry and love .
22 It should by now be clear that there is a great deal of difference between the way words are pronounced in isolation and in the context of connected speech .
23 There 's always been a great deal of antipathy between Cheka and Securitate , but the Securitate has to kow-tow .
24 Fortunately there is a great deal of similarity between the mathematics developed for this task and the techniques required to analyse certain types of data .
25 A great deal of negotiation between sector teams would have to take place to bring about an equitable redistribution from the point of view of staff workload .
26 There is a great deal of liaison between Bank and discount houses , all are visited once per week by a bank official from the Money Markets Office to explain reasons behind actions taken in the markets by the Bank .
27 The Navigation Acts were complicated and applying the regulations would have been harder if there had been a great deal of trade between the colonies , but in the seventeenth century most of the trade of each colony on the American mainland or in the West Indies was with England rather than with other colonies .
28 Even if there is a great deal of consultation between departments at each stage , the plan is likely to have a patchwork effect , especially if timing is crucial .
29 He said : ‘ In the past there has been the perception of collusion between the RUC and loyalist paramilitaries .
30 ‘ Natural philosophy ’ does not consist of ‘ knowledge ’ , which arises from perception of connections between ideas , but of ‘ opinion ’ ; and Locke still associates the word ‘ science ’ with scientia and ‘ knowledge ’ proper .
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