Example sentences of "[noun sg] the [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the contract the sellers had agreed to do this and to deliver the machine f.o.r .
2 It must have been a term that went without saying , a term necessary to give business efficacy to the contract , a term that , although tacit , formed part of the contract the parties made for themselves ( Trollope & Colls Ltd v North West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board [ 1973 ] 2 All ER 260 ) .
3 At the time of the contract the parties know which particular car is being sold and bought .
4 However , what might affect it is if at the time of the making of the contract the parties make an agreement about delivery and/ or payment , e.g. that they be postponed .
5 After three decades of preparation the magicians enshrouded the island 's approaches in a maze of spells , illusions and treacherous shifting shoals and mists .
6 Instead of gilding the lily the photographs added atmosphere — a sense of history .
7 Throughout the Upper Primary the pupils develop an increasing sense of belonging to the wider community of Heriot 's and can take even fuller advantage of the specialist teaching and facilities offered to them .
8 I hope that Opposition Members will accept in good faith the undertakings given by my right hon. and learned Friend and myself and that they will accept that we seek to find the best possible way forward to meet the important points about victimisation .
9 In Aristophanes ' play The Clouds Strepsiades is debating with Socrates about the causes of thunder , rain and other meteorological events .
10 Dressed for any eventuality the tourists peer from formal photographs , the men wearing waistcoats , ties , wing collars , jackets , the women in high necked blouses and long skirts , with elaborate hats pinned firmly to their heads .
11 In a vein of intimacy the Cubists introduced into their compositions the names of popular songs , the programmes of theatres they had visited , the packets of cigarettes they had smoked , or the headings of newspapers they read — elements which , as Apollinaire put it , were ‘ already drenched in humanity ’ .
12 In the absence of a settlement the parties have to litigate to find out .
13 Consider the rules required to form the sentence The headlights penetrated the darkness .
14 BY their defence the defendants pleaded ( 1 ) that the letter of January 3 , 1940 , constituted an agreement that the rent reserved should be £1,250 only , and that such agreement related to the whole term of the lease , ( 2 ) in the alternative , that the plaintiff company were estopped from alleging that the rent exceeded £1,250 per annum , and ( 3 ) as a further alternative , that by failing to demand rent in excess of £1,250 before their letter of September 21 , 1945 ( received by the defendants on September 24 ) , they had waived their rights in respect of any rent , in excess of that at the rate of £1,250 , which had accrued up to September 24 , 1945 .
15 By their defence the defendants denied owing any duty to the plaintiff .
16 With her milky complexion set off by chestnut hair the artists nicknamed her ‘ coconut ’ .
17 Even in periods of recession the opportunities exist to take a greater market share , to create a new market , to develop a new product or service to meet an unfulfilled need .
18 Even at first assessment the difficulties faced by these dementia sufferers are apparent : two-thirds could not identify three coins , three out of five could not name three or four parts of a watch , and one half could not tell the time or correctly select a medicine bottle .
19 Some Members have claimed that the coverage the committees have received has enhanced their standing and authority .
20 Karen fears this may have been because of the news coverage the triplets had when they were born .
21 In the more remote part of the Country Park the foundations remain of a signal station used during the Napoleonic wars as a look-out for the approach of ‘ Boney ’ — a real threat in those days .
22 To reach the dais from the windswept coach park the tourists file down a narrow gorge before negotiating a series of ladders and bridges .
23 In Hitler 's case the Americans came in and suddenly we all had something in common .
24 In any case the Americans regarded the Nassau agreements as " a monument of contrived ambiguity " .
25 In this case the reports show clearly that this was fully of the degree to be expected when somebody has a really severe blow from a heavy block swinging against the face .
26 We approached it cautiously , in case the cops had it staked out .
27 So we would have had to leave anyway , in case the cops started taking too close an interest in it .
28 For comparison , the errors e in the two solutions ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) are ( the lines intersect at t =3 ) unc and it is clear that in the second case the errors increase markedly with t , as required .
29 This is not persuasive where directors do not pay their own premiums , however , and in any case the difficulties faced by insurers in distinguishing high risk from low risk directors ( i.e. performing the monitoring function ) are considerable , given the low visibility of the management decision-making process and the wide range of functions that a director may be called upon to perform .
30 In the above case The Times mentioned that ‘ the rapist has been leading a fox-style existence living rough in wooded countryside ’ , but within a few months it was clear , in yet another case , that it is the nickname itself which becomes crucial rather than any particular style of existence .
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