Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh pn] was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Agua Caliente Handicap at Tanforan , Mexico , in March 1932 saw the last racecourse appearance of a horse who was beyond dispute one of the greatest horses that ever raced — Phar Lap .
2 Help of a more immediately practical nature was given to Manan , a young pianist who was without a piano .
3 He is able to reveal that Mr Cliburn 's famous victory in Moscow was engineered by one of the judges : Sviatoslav Richter , a great Russian pianist who was in his day a child prodigy .
4 So we went and one of the other agents came into the cinema , found my agent who was with us , and started negotiating , and suddenly , just like that , it was all off . ’
5 They say officers did n't call a vital witness who was in the room where Wiltshire was stabbed .
6 Tell granddad who was in the house yesterday morning when we woke up can you remember ?
7 The Corporal who was with us at the time , a new one detached from Orange , immediately awarded Mike 2,000 press-ups .
8 We had both been participants in the Prime of Miss Sylvia Benton , the distinguished archaeologist who was in Athens in the early sixties .
9 On off-duty garda who was in the bank knocked the burning man to the ground and doused the flames with a fire extinguisher .
10 However , the evidence of the fireman who was on the footplate of the engine that was hauling the express disproved the allegations of the railway company , for he had seen them together on the train after it had arrived at Birmingham New Street Station around 2.30 when the children had waved at him .
11 A fireman who was to be flogged for alcohol offences in Saudi Arabia is back home after winning a last-minute reprieve .
12 Henry II of Germany incurred ecclesiastical disapproval by entering into an alliance with heathen Slavs against Christian Poles , while his French contemporary Robert the Pious repudiated his first wife and took a second who was within the forbidden degrees of kinship .
13 Yeah , that 's that bloke who was on the bike
14 I think the brother 's the bloke who was in The Philadelphia Story . ’
15 Clifford and another constable who was in the car got down to the foreshore as quickly as they could on the offchance that the man was alive and needed help , but they soon saw that he was n't .
16 Oh and that , that little boy who was at school , Nicholas , he went there did n't he ?
17 It was called Are We Nearly There ? and it was about a little boy who was on a journey with his father .
18 I know one boy who was on drugs for a year before his parents found out . ’
19 Er on the day of the event you went either your mother or somebody else 's mother Usually the custom was that the the boy who was to be the horse would be decorated either by his own mother , say , or or perhaps the person who he was s s he Who he was partnering as as as ploughman , you know , horseman .
20 Meanwhile the mother of a nine-year-old boy who was from the same town and died in a ski-ing accident , is being cared for by a church group .
21 An instance of the kind of fluidity I have in mind occurred for one boy who was in role as a ‘ robot controller ’ .
22 A fourteen year old boy who was in council care has died after sniffing butane gas .
23 I ONCE asked Ross Clarke-Jones — a laconic Australian who was on the Tour but also liked to surf big Waimea — which would be his ultimate experience : a big wave or a tube ?
24 He stood in the middle of the room , surveying Jehan , and the guard who was beside the door eyed him nervously .
25 Our housework was hard and long and laborious and erm we 'd got two children to look after and then I 'd got my brother who did n't leave home until he was thirty and er , you had n't got the time , you know , to do too many things , so er my interest was the young wives ' and it was really a as regards the erm the Guild itself , I was thrown in at the deep end when this lady who was with my mother , mother was treasurer , she was secretary , erm she used to come down for me and , I know you should n't canvass but she used to canvass and say erm you know the voting , you know , will you , will you come and vote ?
26 Ben , his assistant Lucy , John Gould and I sat in amazement as Phyl , the rosy , cosy raven-haired lady who was to be my dresser , mounted an enormous step-ladder and began pinning on to the backcloth , yard after yard after metre after metre of off-white gauze curtaining .
27 The ‘ bangers ’ part was being utilised by a large-breasted naked lady who was on stage gyrating to a trio , barely audible above the cat-calls and jeers of the all-male audience .
28 She was an utterly charming lady who was by then well into old age .
29 Old Mrs old lady who was in Framlingham , the dentist ?
30 Or perhaps it belonged to a child who was under rubble .
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